with this meme-thing.
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
I was interviewed by
1) If there was a fire in your house, and you could only choose one piece of Disney memorabilia to save, which piece would it be?
Man, you make this a tough one. Hmm, a lot of what we have is fairly replacable. You know, dvds, cds, maybe a few plushies, up to and including our giant Stitch. I'd almost say him, but saving him and losing the rest of the Stitch army would be almost as horrible as losing them all, so I'm not sure. Joel would probably save something like a Little Mermaid ornament set or something. If we ever get that Glicee picture for him, or an animation cel, from Little Mermaid, I'm sure he'd grab one of those. But that's not me, and barring those options... it's a really tough decision. Possibly the anniversary snow globe book end set that we got. Yes, that sounds like a good option to me.
2) Do you prefer more fruits, or more vegetables?
Vegetables. I'm trying to get more fruits in my diet, too, but I am and always will be a veggie girl at heart. Savory over sweet!
3) Do you have any pets? If so, what kind? If not, what kind would you consider getting, or why do you not want any?
We have no pets currently, not even a measly goldfish. It saddens me to no end. Joel and I both really want a kitten, but we probably won't get one until we move, because of various factors. If I couldn't get a kitten, or a puppy (my dream puppy has always been an apricot or ghost teacup poodle), I'd probably get a gecko, because I think they're cute, they seem playful, and the upkeep isn't too insane on them, I don't think.
4) If you suddenly won several million dollars, what would you do with it?
Pay off the house. Pay off the car, immediately sell it and replace it with a new car. Pay off my debts. Pay off my parents' debts. Possibly give (not loan) a couple thousand here and there to friends who are in binds/have too much debt. Possibly have our 'dream house' built and sell this one. Dream house should have a stable. I will have horses. Probably at least some garden area too, for growing my own stuff. Plenty of room for pets. Make sure I set aside funds for insurances (house, life, car, etc.) for the next ten or more years, as well as taxes and such on the house. Then work on planning our big gala Disney wedding and honeymoon. Bwah! Oh, I would be so responsible and yet lavish and it would be amazing and... yes please to the winning of millions of dollars? ;-;
5) If you could be any Disney princess, which would you be and why?
Gut reaction is to say Aurora, so I figure why not go with that? Aurora has always been one of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite. I've come to love Snow White over the past couple of years, but in the end, she just can't compare. Aurora falls into my ideal of beauty in so many ways, whether it be her grace, her appearance, or her voice. You add to that the fact that her romance is more developed than some other Disney Princesses, since they actually talk, and since they plan the whole meeting not in the "let's run away and marry each other after I introduce myself to your 'parents'" sense, but in a sense of 'get their approval, let's start dating'. It happens just as fast as all the other stories, but it seems so much slower, and more natural. Plus, she dances with wildlife... and it doesn't hurt that he's darn handsome. ::laughs::