Just bah because I lack a title...

Dec 13, 2007 10:19

First, because I'm curious to see what others think of me. Clickie

So yesterday I was finally good and went to the gym again. Did an hour at the gym, and finally figured out why I couldn't get my heartrate up on the treadmill. I'll be going to the gym today after work, then wrapping up my office 'secret santa' present. >.> Waited a bit too long on that one.

I'm so behind on, well, everything. I haven't started cards. We haven't finished cleaning up the livingroom/diningroom to make room for the Christmas tree (mostly we have to bring in the entertainment unit for the stereo so we can figure out where that's going and clean up some floor space.

But just... blah. I wish weekends lasted longer. I wish I could see my friends more. I wish I wasn't always so busy. ::flails:: I want to make presents for my friends, but I don't know where to start. I need to get presents for my bosses, but I have no clue what I might like.

I'm just overwhelming myself again, it seems. Blah...

life, work, holidays

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