Con Report Catchup - AWA Part 1

Oct 11, 2007 13:44

Okay, so I never really posted here about AWA, did I? I've had so many other things on my mind. So here's what happened, more or less...

Friday I made sure I'd finished the horns and magnets that I had prepared, and spent a crazy night trying to go to a Kinkos to print out stickers because our printer said "I am dirty, and you can't clean me until you spend $60 on new ink cartridges!" Kinkos was insane, and I was flailing... and all was not awesome, but it turned out alright because the woman working there was very kind (if a bit hassled). Then I went home and, well, cut everything out! Fun times. I got to bed very late.

Saturday I woke up, packed my things, and tottled over to John and Lander's place to meet with Heidi, Marc, and Iacca. I got to lay in bed with Heidi (ooh la la) while the others got their showers and such in. We packed up and finally made our way out, ending up late enough that we had to skip out on breakfast so we could set up.

Setting up was crazy, because I came to learn that we'd been situated immediately across from our direct competition. Not to mention the dealers' room had, like, TEN other hat sellers (though I won't get in to the particulars on that). We set up, with hopes of being moved to an empty table later. Things were crazy, but we finally DID manage to move things over.

Heidi was kind and brought us bagel sammiches from Dunkin' Donuts. We munched and I learned that selling these hats (and my other stuff) was muchly of the fun and awesome.

That day I sold half my stock of magnets, half my stock of horns, and a third or so of stickers. Not bad. I think I made somewhere around $75, but of course, that isn't counting my cost for supplies and such. Given that I think the table was, like, $300? Totally not worth doing it on my own. But still, people were interested! Not only that, but a lot of people wanted horns, just not in the colors I had, and they weren't willing to wait until tomorrow to get them, even if I was willing to custom make them. So of course, I got no custom orders.

More to come... in Part 2!

convention, awa, horns

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