Eloquence is the poetry of prose.

May 17, 2007 13:32

The nearer I approach the end, the clearer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous yet simple. For half a century I have been writing my thoughts in prose, verse, history, drama, romance, tradition, satire, ode and song - I have tried all; but I feel that I have not said a thousandth part of that which is in me. When I go down to the grave I can say like many others, "I have finished my day's work" but I cannot say, "I have finished my life's work"; my day's work will begin the next morning. The tomb is not a blind alley. It is an open thoroughfare. It closes in the twilight to open in the dawn. My work is only beginning; my work is hardly above its foundation. I would gladly see it mounting forever. The thirst for the infinite proves infinity.

Victor Marie Hugo (1802 - 1885)

I know several of my dear friends are would-be authors such as myself. Goodness knows I've spoken with several of you of what I would write, if I could. Or what stirred in the back of my mind, refusing to go away until I wrote it all down. From time to time, I used to post my prose and poetry here or there, but it was rather rare, because I love to show my own work, and am too afraid of the criticism I know will be returned with it. I've gone a long time without writing, and then, miraculously, I got the bug again. I had to write. Yesterday, it devoured me, and I spat out a piece I know was too quick, too sudden, and not at all as fleshed out as it should have been. But it was prose, and it was mine, and the story will hold its own through perspective and tense changes, adding more detailing, and incorporating it into the novel that I've wanted to write for several years now. Maybe, just maybe, now I can do it.

Of course, even once you've got it all written, and had friends read and reread it, giving critique, and editing as best as a friend can, you've still got a major hurdle in front of you, right? You want to be published. Now, I haven't tried to be published, but I've heard enough stories to know it isn't easy. Not in the least. But, what if it was easier?

What if I said that there was a book publisher out there that would help an author to become self published? At first, I'm sure you think of those little companies that print 100 copies of your book, drop them on your doorstep, charge you insane amounts, and never look back. But this place doesn't look like one of those in the least. They help you, guide you, and let you make decisions.

Unlike some book publishers, AuthorHouse authors retain all rights and control decisions around the publishing and marketing of their book. You determine how many and when copies of your published book are printed and you select your own royalty schedule. When your book is finished, it's available for order at more than 25,000 retail outlets worldwide, on the Internet at Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and through the AuthorHouse online publishing company book store.

When I finally manage to get a fire lit under myself, and have more than 2,000 words written on the way to my glorious novel, I'm going to have to seriously start considering publishing, and whether I'll need to self publish or not. AuthorHouse looks like it just might be a lifesaver in that regard. But who knows? I may get lucky! I may be one of the lucky few who gets discovered by one of the big name publishers. Wouldn't that be a dream come true?

stuff, writing

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