Are there any chocolate fans out there?

May 17, 2007 13:19

Or maybe just foodies in general? You might be interested in checking out this post on a community I read. It's about chocolate, and something that places like Hershey's are trying to pass through the FDA. What will it do? Well, the short of it says that it will, basically, make it so that they can bill things that are not made with cocoa butter in any way... can be passed off as chocolate, on the label, officially. It's a way to add all sorts of sweetners and random things, and hide what they really are from us. It will lower the quality of chocolate, and I don't doubt a lot of other foods too, because it isn't limited to just chocolate. And then, if we want the stuff we're used to, well, if they even continue to make it, we'll likely have to pay a good deal extra.

Hersheys has already, to make money and save money, etc., closed at least one of their factories in the US and opened one up in Mexico. They're trying to cut costs in any way they can, but I assure you, they're not likely to cut the cost of that candy bar in the gas station.

So read up, discuss how you feel about it, and if you feel adamantly about it, lodge your disapproval officially. Don't Mess With Our Chocolate!

And this coming from someone who hardly even likes chocolate. The little bit I do eat, though, I'd like to keep tasty, thankyouverymuch.


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