Oh, For The Love Of Phones!

Apr 24, 2007 10:42

Now, I talk about things in the office from time to times. Sometimes, I’ll rant about something an attorney has done, or I’ll make jokes about something that was discussed in the office. The attorneys I work with are really great guys, and in our age of great technology, their jobs are made so much easier than they used to be. Well, that could be construed as more difficult, of course, since clients can reach them more quickly, pleadings are due in shorter time periods, and everything is much more fast paced.

But really, one of the most useful thing that any of my attorneys have isn’t even their computer. It’s their Blackberries. Each and every one of my attorneys has a Blackberry smartphone, and it is more than just a simple phone. It’s almost a hand held computer to them! When they are in a meeting, we can email them, and they can respond at the touch of a button. Without interrupting their important conference (that they failed to tell the rest of us about), they can tell us where they are, when they will be returning, and what they are doing there. And, of course, they can ask the million questions that inevitably crop up while they are out of the office-because problems never happen when the attorneys are actually around to handle them. That would be too easy.

Now, I’ve considered getting a phone line of my own. (As some of you know, my phone is actually paid for by my parents, so I don’t actually choose which plan or phone I use.) I was browsing around, and amazed to see just how many models there are. And look at some of those plans they’re running! If I finangle things right, maybe I can snag myself a sleek new Blackberry for free, and pay just the fees for service! Now that would be nice?

And I mean, come on! Who wouldn’t want a nifty phone with all the awesome features that these things have, if they could get their hands on it?

Total bonus points for that model above. Look at it! And it’s name?

Blackberry Pearl

Oh yea. It’s the Black Pearl of the phone world. I so want it.

phone, work, stuff

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