Ask, And You Shall Receive

Mar 28, 2007 17:34

Since a few of my friends mentioned housewarming gifts, and one even asked if we were registered anywhere, Joel and I took a little while to put a few items in a registry at Target to give you guys some help in the 'what to get' department. Overall, we suck, and we really don't know what to ask for, because we're not ones to ask... so we basically went on a "shopping spree" as if we were buying stuff for the kitchen and bathrooms at Target ourselves. O.O Here is the result.

Nobody has to get us anything, but I figured this way, people have an idea of what we're doing. The kitchen is going to be in reds with black accenting. Well, kitchenware and stuff, at least. The master bathroom will have the fun fun penguins. The guest master bathroom will have the classy gold and red. XD WE=dorks. But anyway, I'm sure some of the kitchen items are the more practical items, for those of you that look for practical... like the rice dispenser, and the plates, and the various utencils or the draining rack. Practical is expensive, unfortunately. ;-; Then there's stuff like the penguins, which only really 'completes' a bathroom, while never really being necessary. Same with the guest bath, honestly. ::shruggles:: But anyway... I'll stop rambling like an idiot and get going, since we have to head to Walmart to buy paper plates or something. I can't believe we left all of our plates in Florida with my parents. O.o I suck!


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