::insert Final Fantasy victory music here::

Mar 27, 2007 15:31


I own a house.

I am a home owner.

Joel and I have our very own HOUSE.


This is the excitement I feel that cannot be expressed into words:

JASdf o'aweijfpaoc ma[i0owe mcpaowiemf aopisdmca;lweifm admc/lseifjao;ise maoiewmc aposidcmaoeifmao;efj klasdj cpao isecm;aoisemc ao;8emcaoemc aoiemo;auiesn!~!1!j!#!@!@!!!!!

Now multiply that by about a thousand, and you'll have an idea of how I feel right now.


Oh. My. Stars.

We own a house!!!

So, who's going to come visit us?

And who wants to join us for a house warming party?

And who has nifty decorating tips and ideas?

And who wants to visit just to take a bath in our nice big tubs? ;op

Dear Stars... HOUSE. I... just... I... HOUSE. ASDJK. ::ded::


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