I Should Be Banned From Society

Oct 07, 2005 07:22

Went out with new people tonight.

See, I should be banned from society because first of all, I managed to surprise someone when I mentioned liking boys. Shouldn't it be fucking obvious by now that I'm not fucking straight? And that's the least surprising or socially disturbing aspects of mine.

Oh, and get used to the fact that I'm loud and curse a lot when I'm in a good mood. When I'm in a bad mood, I blog and curse a lot, and when I'm in a good mood, I laugh and joke and curse a lot. Get fucking used to it. It's who I am, I'm too old to change, and if you don't like it then don't bother to spend time with me any more, because I don't need people who only pretend to tolerate me for the sake of social appearances.

Speaking of which, I have no fucking way of telling if people are being sarcasting. Call me Gullible-erver, cuz I am the giant idiot that doesn't sense sarcasm until I'm lying on the beach tied up by my own lack of obvious sense. I can be as subtlely sarcastic as I want, and have to explain the details of sarcasm to other people, but I still can't figure out when people are being sarcastic to me despite ten years of hanging out with only the most sarcastic kids Olympia has to offer. More to the point, if you say "Go away" or "Leave Now" or "You're fucking rude, I don't want to see or talk to you any more" or anything approaching those ostricizing lines, IT'S IN MY NATURE HAVING BEEN REJECTED BY SO MANY PEOPLE FOR BEING MYSELF THAT I CANNOT HELP BUT BELIEVE YOU ARE SERIOUS! Especially when people are insincere about it at first (called, "sarcastic") but become subtly sincere about it as time draws on.

So that being said, I'll elaborate and say I met some decent new friends tonight, and then I ruined any ground I made with them by arguing about coffee. Okay, for christ's sake I'm working class, okay? I first starting drinking coffee at The Reef, which means I first started drinking coffee that is so shitty that people from Tenino and Rainier, nevermind the gutterpunk/homeless population of Olympia, would spit it back out on the waitress. Nevertheless, I decided this was okay coffee. Any coffee, whether I've tasted it at Denny's or some other place, is better tasting but yet no better in my opinion than Reef coffee.

Meanwhile, I grew up with my brothers and the rest of my family talking of coffee at holidays as if Starbucks is too bougousie for their aristocratic palette. This drove me nuts, because freeze dried shitty downtown coffee mixed with soul-sucking water is what I grew comfortable with, and even though it may be the worst coffee on the planet I accepted it. Still, my brothers and the rest of my family were talking about blah-blah-cinno and blah-blah-beans as if they were sipping fucking wine and contrasting the different flavors of Medea and Bourdoux. This seemed a little too fucking aristocratic to me, and I began to relish the flavor of coffee-flavored-coffee (as Denis Leary so affectionally called it back in 1990) that you actually had to LEARN to drink without sugar or cream, and believe me this takes a lifetime of effort. I still haven't learned to drink it without sugar because I'm a sweet little fag that doesn't quite enjoy the sourness of life without an artificial sweetener (like Prozac or codependant relationships).

And yet tonight, when I tried to make new friends, I ended up in an argument where suddenly I was a hypocrite for defending non-Starbucks non-store-brand coffee that tastes like shit, simply because I feel that in the Pacific Northwest coffee has become a class issue, and even the fucking bums will pick and choose which Starbucks they get their coffee from. I seriously think that coffee has become like wine here, and people spend too much time thinking about what kind they're drinking and where they get it from...much like the rest of America despises Frenchies who drink as much wine as we drink coffee, and yet make a big issue out of what kind of wine they drink when they should be grateful to be living in a nation that allows them to drink fucking wine as if it were water! Then again, we live in a nation where bottled water will sometimes run you upwards of $2.00, and a cup of coffee (with unlimited refills) will run you $1.50 even at the trendiest of restaraunts (outside of Starbucks, of course).

Oh, and for future reference, Starbucks began as Seattle's Best Coffee, which got bought out and renamed Starbucks, which now has to compete with a local company that later bought out the name "Seattle's Best Coffee" because they felt Starbucks was making inferior coffee to their former namesake, and felt like taking a little local pride. NEED I SAY THAT THE TIME WE PACIFIC WESTERS SPEND THINKING AND OBSESSING OVER COFFEE MAKES US SEEM JUST A LITTLE TOO ARISTOCRATIC AND CONCEITED?!

And still I end up in an argument over Starbucks and Safeway brand coffee BEANS being "fresher" than freeze-dried Folgers Original. I don't care where you're from, that's middle class conceit right there.

And people still think I'm a hypocrite because I say coffee has become a class issue.
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