the Power of Persistence

Nov 19, 2007 16:33

The other night demonstrated for me how persistence (or at least being a persistent pest) can pay off.  I was supposed to turn up at some function at Costa Sands, except I forgot  a) to bring along the numbers of the organisers b) the location. The internet kiosks at resort were down and after running around, managed to locate a "help centre". Asked for assistance with the kiosks (they did lock it down pretty well although if I could download a rootkit it might be "breakable") but the girls at the counter were "too busy" to help me and gave me some vague directions for going even further afield for some cybercafe. There wasn't anyone else waiting to be served/helped and I was going quite cheesed off. I figured they would probably have internet access so begged insisted politely that checking my email on one of the unused computers wouldn't take more than 5 minutes and would they just let me quickly check for directions? The senior girl kept saying no, that she couldn't let me do that. I stood my ground and asked 3 or 4 times until she got the idea I wasn't going away till I got what I wanted and let me check my mail.

Moral of the story: If at first someone says no, bug them until they say yes. :-) Of course, my foot was hurting and I didn't want to walk more than I had to so I had added incentive.  


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