FIC: Reflections on Bleeker Street 5/5 fandom: Dark Angel (Alec/Logan, R)

Feb 26, 2015 09:21

Previous chapters: ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5

Logan started to glance his way as if he was going to say something. Whatever it was, Logan changed his mind and scooted out. Then he stood there, holding out his hand again. This time Alec couldn’t ignore it.

Inhaling, Alec slid across the seat; it was ShowTime. Only one leg hit the pavement before he accepted Logan’s hand and got out of the car.

Part 5

Logan’s arm wrapped around him; Max nodded and shut the door behind them. Alec heard her car door open and close then the engine start as they walked over to the doorman. Logan pressed him closer even as the doorman grinned, his eyes leering as they eyes swept up and down Alec’s body then lingered. Then the doorman left his position and boldly took a several steps in Alec’s direction.

Staring him down, Alec swallowed hard. His already frayed nerves flared to life; his heart rate accelerated. Alec’s natural instinct kicked in and he started running through various contingency plans.

Logan must have picked up on it since his hand squeezed Alec’s hip in a gesture of fortitude. Logan cleared his throat trying to draw the doorman’s attention. When the man didn’t respond and kept moving toward Alec, Logan took action. Shifting, Logan pulled Alec back and behind him even as Logan stepped in front of him to effectively block the doorman’s view.

“Excuse me.”

Although Alec couldn’t see Logan’s face, he noticed Logan stood taller, rigid, as if he was bracing for a battle. The words were polite yet the timbre of Logan’s voice was anything but polite as he questioned the doorman, “the cover charge?”

Suddenly the doorman stopped with a look of confusion belatedly realizing he left his post. Almost immediately confusion changed to regret. Quickly returning to his post, flushed with embarrassment he burst out, “My apologies, sir. I couldn’t help myself; your lady is breathtaking.”

Although Logan actually stood shorter than Alec or the doorman, he emitted an aura dominance that towered over them both. Logan only replied with a, “Hmmm…” then repeated, “the cover charge?” It wasn’t his choice of his words but Logan’s tone that cut sharper and deeper than any Bowie knife would, even as his arm reached out to anchor Alec back firmly at his side.

Contrite, the doorman answered, “Inside” even as he rushed to open and hold the door, “down the stairs and to your left.”

Without a backward glance Logan ushered them inside. It wasn’t until the door closed behind them and Logan gave him a bit a space as they made their way down the stairs that Alec bit out, “That was a bit over the top, don’t you think?”

Alec expected Logan’s response to either be a nervous laugh or an apology. But when they reached the bottom Logan turned to him and flatly stated, “No.”

Alec was flabbergasted by Logan’s answer, and it was compounded by Logan’s abrupt possessiveness. When he pulled Alec back to his side, Alec was stunned into silence.

Around the corner, like the doorman directed, another man sat on a stool behind a small sliding partition glass window waiting for patrons to enter and pay the cover charge.

Logan took out his wallet. Alec caught the man’s gaze and unlike the doorman, he appeared unthreatening and offered a small smile. His eyes shifted between them before they settled on Logan. “I can see you’re both new here.”

Alec noticed the soft southern lilt of his voice. Although the dialect was different from Dani’s it was obvious the man was originally from the south.

He turned toward Alec, “Honey, don’t you worry your pretty head about Ralphie. He’s harmless, trust me.” Facing Logan once again, “Still I will report him. He’s been here long enough to know his job. And disrespecting any cliental, but especially a Dom and his lovely lady, that’s a definite no-no!”

At Alec’s obvious surprise, he inclined his chin to the camera feed. He had seen the entire encounter. He winked at Alec then turned and addressed Logan. “I’m the assistant manager, name's Scarlett on my better days. Today it’s just Matt. Please accept my apologies and rest assured that Ralphie will be reprimanded.”

Logan’s arm tightened around his waist and he nodded, “Good.”

Unfazed by Logan’s curtness, the man happily offered. “As a sign of the club’s good faith, tonight’s entrance fee is on Ralphie. We only hope you’ll enjoy yourself enough to return again with your lovely lady.”

His tone softer, Logan replied. “We’ll see.”

“Perfectly understandable; now if I could just…” Matt held up a rubber stamp. “It’ll give you access to most of the club including the lounge with the only exceptions, the rooms upstairs and a couple of backrooms.”

Logan questioned, “Upstairs?”

Nodding as if he expected Logan’s question, Matt answered, “A lot of them are reserved, and others cater to specific whims of our cliental. Those rooms are available to explore upon membership.”

Logan slid his hand across the partition for Matt to stamp it. “And if I wanted a membership?”

Matt grinned, stamping the back of Logan’s hand.

When Logan pulled his hand back to see the stamp, there was nothing visible.

“It’s only highlighted under our light.” Then he demonstrated by flashing a small pin light over the mark. Extending his hand Matt politely asked, “Your lady as well?”

Without hesitating Alec presented his hand, but Logan pulled his hand away. “That’s a different stamp, why?”

Matt only harrumphed, adding, “Because you’re her Dom, of course.” Like that was enough of an answer.

Matt sat up straighter; looking between them and exclaimed, “Good lord, novices!” Matt shook his head, “Well I’ll be-I knew you were new to our club, but apparently you’re both new to the club scene. That’s...” He paused, searching for the right word, “that’s too sweet for words.”

Logan’s brisk, “Not exactly, but it’s also none of your business. Now tell me, why the change of stamps?”

At Logan’s stern directness Matt flustered under his gaze. “Again, you have my apologies, sir. Your stamp indicates your status as a dom allowing you access to the lounge with or without your lady. This stamp,” he lifted the stamp up, “indicates her sub status, but also that she’s spoken for. She cannot enter the lounge unescorted nor have access to any entertainment without you at her side.” A moment later, Matt added, picking another stamp from the first two, “Unless you’d like her unattached, and open for any dom to claim her…”

Logan blurted out, “No!” then he took the stamp Matt had put down indicting Alec’s new status as Logan’s sub and firmly pressed the stamp into Alec’s skin.

A fraction too late Alec blurted out, “Wait a minute, you mean I can’t go to the bathroom without Logan?”

Matt was clearly amused. “I’m sure you can darling, but whether or not he allows you to use the facilities in the lounge is another matter. However there are facilities, a ladies lounge, strictly for subs. It’s adjacent to the bar. Please note it is monitored to keep doms out. Any joint activities between dom/sub can be done in our ‘lounge’ area. There you can enjoy other activities such as: movies, live shows, and displays. Again, anything more avant-garde is restricted to members-only area.”

Before Logan could ask again, Matt answered his earlier question about the membership. “You’re new, so you’d have to apply. Once you’ve gone through our screening process and your financial application is approved, you’ll receive an invitation at which time you’ll be able to file an application for your lady or any other sub you may have. The entire process takes about three to six weeks depending on the number of valid applications we have. Afterward, if everything clears, you’ll have the option of picking what level of membership you’d like. We offer platinum, gold, and silver. Each tier offers different services…”

Logan interrupted. “The platinum?”

“Access to everything the club offers.”

“Hmm, I’ll think about it.”

“If you do decide to join us, I’ll be sure to put your application on the top of our priority list.”

“Thank you. Are we done?”

“Absolutely, and have a good time.” Matt nodded to someone behind them.

Turning around they faced a set of double-doors. Suddenly two men came out of the shadows. Each grabbed a door handle and stepped back, opening doors.

Alec realized the doors and room must have been soundproofed. Opening them just a crack was enough to flood his ears with the pounding beat of techno music. It poured from loud, digital synthesizers mixed with rhythmic bass drums, made to pulse throughout his body with one fundamental goal: to get his body to dance.

Logan dropped his arm from Alec's waist only to lace his fingers with Alec’s and tug him forward, walking over the threshold. The doors closed behind them.

Inside, another man flicked a light over the stamps on the back of their hands and waved someone else over.

It was a boy, their server. He was young and blond, topless with only small gold hoops dangling from his nipples. He wore a white neon ruffled skirt, low on the hips that flounced with every step and made him stand out against the club's dark lighting. The boy strutted over with practiced ease in stiletto heels that made Alec dizzy just thinking about trying to sashay in the damn things.

The server only stopped for a minute to glance around the room at the available tables before beckoning them to follow him through the throng of people gyrating to the music.

Making their way through the crowd, Alec felt the caress of hands reaching out. Abruptly, someone tried to pull him onto the dance floor. Before he even voiced a protest, Logan was there wrapping an arm around him, and he nearly growled at the girl who had tried to entice Alec away.

Unfazed, the girl only grinned and inclined her head, a direct invitation to Logan to join her. In keeping with the music, she lifted her dress to expose the sharp gleam of metal and then winked at Logan. It was a cock cage with a small padlock dangling at the base. Logan shook his head, declining the offer, and pulled Alec in closer, charging through the crowd like a bull.

Up a few stairs, Logan guided him to the table where the boy stood waiting.

At the table, Logan pulled out a chair, expecting Alec to sit.

To keep from making a scene, Alec bit the inside of his cheek and sat down, annoyed that he allowed everyone believed Logan was the one in charge - that guy, Matt, had even classified them with two different stamps to signify their status. Even Logan believed it. What the fuck was going on? He was the trained soldier -
why, he was only wearing the damn dress because he was the one who had to make contact. Wasn’t this supposed to be some kind of, upscale cross-dressing place and not a kinky BDSM fetish club?

Hell, he wasn’t wearing a fucking collar, yet he was behaving like a fucking sub? It couldn’t be because he was dressed in fem garb. He’d place bets and win, that having tits didn’t make someone a sub. He only had to think of Max and Cindy to know that was true.

Logan sat down then moved his chair closer until Logan’s thigh was toughing and firmly pressed against Alec’s thigh. Then Logan draped his arm across the back of Alec’s chair, and leaned in his lips brushed over the shell of Alec’s ear making him shiver in excitement.

“You okay?” Logan asked.

Alec nodded, but Logan didn’t move away. Instead he started to nuzzle, peppering small kisses over Alec’s ear.

Alec bit back a retort only to swallow the wave of desire that shot through his body as Logan’s tongue traced around Alec’s earring before he pulled Alec’s ear lobe into his heated mouth.

Fighting the moan that wanted to escape, Alec jerkily nodded, yes.

Zeroing on his anger, internally Alec bristled over the fact that he didn’t need Logan to do this, to be all over him like he was somehow weak and fragile. He was an X5, with enhanced abilities; even with the music blaring he could probably hear whatever Logan had to say from across the room never mind the table - he didn’t need the man’s mouth plastered to his ear.

Regardless of their audience, and sitting too close for comfort, Logan continued to gently suckle his earlobe, overheating Alec’s already eager libido. Alec loathed that not only did he get pleasure from Logan’s actions, but the sensations were heightened because Alec realized it was Logan’s mouth and not just some random guy. His desire sharpened as he faced a basic truth: although it was only a role for a mission, Alec couldn’t deny his body enjoyed the attention. Everything about tonight confused him: his reaction to Logan, his outfit, the stamp, and Logan himself. How could he like and dislike something at the same time. Then there was his new status as Logan’s sub-the fantasy role he wanted to be real. Even as his mind lingered over the possibly, he remembered Logan’s earlier words, “Oh god I can’t do this.” ‘Not with him…’; a cold painful reminder that Logan didn’t really want him.

Chilled by the memory of Logan’s words, Alec allowed his training to surface then he did what he had seen numerous women do to him. He giggled and pulled back even as he swatted Logan away teasingly, creating a small bit of distance between them while maintaining the façade for any on lookers of a playful loving couple sitting together.

Logan looked startled. Alec quickly leaned forward and brushed his lips over Logan’s cheek to whisper, “Stay in scene.” Then he pulled back just enough for Logan to see his face, as his lips sliding into a practiced smile and repeated his personal mantra, only in a sultry tone to befit their roles. “I’m always alright.”

Within seconds, Logan reacted, but not in the way Alec had anticipated.

Reaching out, Logan’s thumb caressed Alec’s cheek and offered a matching smile, as if he liked what Alec said. Yet Alec could see the concern in Logan’s eyes, and knew the smile was only for the benefit of anyone who was watching them.

Logan’s thumb swept up and down then across his cheek. Each stroke was softer and tenderer than the next, and Alec swallowed nervously. Usually whenever he said those words, it was a verbal dismissal to whoever was trying to offer him some kind of comfort or reassurance. Max was the only one who had come close to pushing it further, yet even she knew when to back away.

The fact was, responding to empathetic gestures were never part of Manticore’s training and it was something Alec didn’t know how to deal with so he did what he had always done, and walked away.

Whatever Logan had seen in the depths of Alec’s eyes seemed to persuade him. Unmindful of anyone around them, Logan cleared his throat and said, “Alec, you’re not alone anymore, and I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

Alec felt his cheeks flush. There was no way Logan meant what he just said. On instinct, Alec wanted to get up and run to push Logan away. Instead he was forced to sit there, face to face with Logan staring him down.

Alec swallowed hard, it was too much. He was about to close his eyes when the word “don’t,” was whispered forcing Alec to maintain contact and see the sincerity in Logan’s eyes.

Even as he held Logan’s gaze, another part of him kept yelling in self-preservation that this was nothing more than the pressure of the mission, Logan’s curiosity, or something else that Logan caught up in the roles they were playing - he was an untrained civilian, after all.

Hanging on to that, Alec bit his lip. He had been about to say something when he saw her … him -their contact-pass by. It was a woman, wearing a black top hat with red roses decorating the brim, heading toward the dance floor.

Logan easily picked up on his expression and saw her when he glanced around. Then leaned in, “Dance?” The question was semantic since he stood, pulling Alec up, to lead them to dance.

At the edge of the dance floor, Alec broke free of Logan’s embrace and sashayed his way onto the floor. The crowd parted as if Alec was some kind of celebrity. Behind him Logan hovered, his dominance as clear as if Alec was tethered by a collar and leash. He made clear to everyone around them that Alec was his.

Annoyed, Alec closed his eyes and focused on the mission in front of him: to make the exchange.

Embracing the music, Alec lifted his arms, swayed them above his head, and let the pounding rhythm of techno music guide his feet. Alec turned in circles, dancing, adding a dip and booty grind with every other step.

One sub after another approached Alec as he danced, waiting watching for Logan’s approval.

It didn’t matter; Alec only used them to dance closer to his target.

Above them, strobe lights flickered in and out with the pulsing music, encouraging dancers to bump and grind with one, two or multiple partners. Alec allowed one dancer to pull him in closer; his target to his right.

Pushing pass the dancer, Alec twisted his shoulder to nudge the lady with the top hat. She turned and Alec suddenly found himself squashed between Logan and the contact. She nodded sliding her arm over Alec’s shoulder drawing him in closer. “My, aren’t you a sweet young thing.”

Feeling ridiculous, Alec leaned in and blurted out loud enough for an ordinary human to hear over the music, “Did you see the white rabbit?”

Her eyes widened and she nodded, answering, “At studio 54.” Her hand slithered down to Alec’s; he felt her hand slip into his leaving the coveted flash drive behind even as she pushed him away.

Clasping the drive in his fist, Alec tried to see where she went, but with a quick scan he realized she had to have taken off the hat and disappeared into the crowd of dancers. He felt Logan’s hand slide around his waist possessively, drawing Alec back to stand flush against Logan.

The tempo of music changed ringing out a sultry beat. Around them, people clung together, slowly grinding their bodies in a parody of sex.

Lips hovered, heating Alec’s neck, as Logan asked “You get the drive?”

Alec nodded and swayed against Logan as chills of excitement skittered down his spine. Logan’s lips lowered and connected with skin.

Alec stilled as Logan lingered, pressing one kiss and then another directly over Alec’s barcode. Logan’s tongue brushed over where the tattoo was hidden.

After several dizzying moments, Logan whispered against his skin, knowing Alec would hear him, “I’m sorry Alec; I’m not going to be able to let you go.”

Even though pleasure slithered to settle down in Alec’s groin, Alec resisted and began struggling to get out of Logan’s embrace, without betraying their cover. The echo of Logan’s hurtful words rushed forward, reminding him again that Logan didn’t want him. Alec knew Logan was only curious; what Logan wanted was the female fantasy that Cindy, Dani and Nikki had created - what he was dressed as. But she wasn’t him.

Logan’s hold tightened.

Unable to break away without making a scene, Alec twisted around within Logan’s grasp and inhaled. Mentally, Alec shook himself to fortify his resolved as he faced Logan. He wanted to play it casual, to not let Logan know he was hurting, but under Logan gaze Alec felt himself losing the battle for control.

Alec pushed away creating some space - it wasn’t enough.

Jutting his chin out, Alec looked out at the crowd around them and tried to collect himself. Now that they had the flash drive, there was no need to keep up the charade. “Come on, Max is waiting.”

Logan refused to move.

Licking his lips, Alec leaned in, dropped his mouth close to Logan’s ear, and stated loud enough for Logan to hear him over the pounding music. “Logan, you don’t want me, Alec. You want the façade I’m dressed as.”

A beat later, Logan jerked back so he could look into Alec’s face. “That’s not true.”

“Yes it is," Alec said, biting out his words in anger. "I heard you, when you first saw me. And I quote: Oh god I can’t do this. Not with him… Ring a bell?” Logan’s eyes flittered across his face as if wanted to see or hear something different.

“That’s not what I meant.”

Alec tsked. “It’s okay man, I get it. I’ve been curious before, but we’re friends. I just can’t be-”

"Stop!" Logan interrupted. “Stop, Alec, that’s not what I meant. Seeing you like this. . . ” Alec hitched his head and averted his eyes, but Logan’s pulled his chin back, and his voice was pained when he spoke. “Alec, please look at me.”

Reluctantly Alec did, to see Logan silently imploring that he hear him out. With a slight nod, Logan continued, his voice rough. “I said it because there was no way I’d be able to hide my secrets anymore. Alec, you were my wet dream before, and now… I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide how much I wanted you,” Logan swallowed even as his pupils enlarged leaving only a sharp green of the iris, “or hide that I had fallen in love with one of my best friends.”

Alec could only stare, dumbfounded.

Nervously Logan licked his lips, “I know, horrible way to spring this on you, but it’s true. And seeing you like this drove me crazy, but . . . if you really not interested … I’ll understand.”

Alec blinked and choked out, “You love me?”

Logan smiled. “Loved you as a friend first- the way you were there for me after Max then Asha. I don’t know when, but at some point I realized what I felt, that it had turned to more and that I had fallen in love with you- am in love with you.”

“All this time? You’re just not curious?”

“Yes and no. I’m not curious about men; I’ve been with men before, so it’s not new for me. And I’m not that curious about crossdressing in general. But I am interested in you- and Alec, dressed like this you’re smoking hot. But it’s you I want, with or without all this.”

“And you like me like this?”

Logan simply nodded, and said, “I do.”

“And the club membership thing?”

Logan flushed, but maintained eye contact. “I won’t lie to you, I’m interested, but it’s not a deal breaker. I can live without the lifestyle if it’s not for you. Same with the crossdressing, if you don’t want it. If there’s a choice between any of this or you - I’ll pick you every single time.”

Alec couldn’t stop himself from sucking in his bottom lip and gnawing at the corner. “And if I like this, or am curious?”

“That’s fine. Great even. We’ll go slowly, experiment, find out what you really like or what you don’t. In the meantime, I’d love to help you build a wardrobe.”

Alec almost choked, as his imagination supplied an image of Dani and Nikki snapping their fingers and cheering him on while Cindy stood there with a knowing grinning. Imaginary Nikki nudged Cindy, as she yelled out excitedly, See I told your Popi was a keeper. With effort, Alec closed his eyes to dismiss the image and Nikki’s lingering voice.

Reopening his eyes, Alec saw the sincerity and hope, within Logan’s eyes, but it was the twinkling spark he saw and started to get an inkling that he had missed something important. Nervously he asked, “What now?”

“So, you’re willing to see me, to go out on a date?”

Alec didn’t think the night could get any weirder, but he was wrong. “Date? You want us to date?”

Logan chuckled, “I know it seems crazy.” As quickly as it appeared, his smile died on his lips as Logan stared Alec down. “Alec I’m not looking for an easy hook-up," he said, serious, "not with you. I want more. I want you to have more. And as much as it’ll kill me to wait, I think we need to start at the beginning - with dating.” Logan paused and took a breath. “Alec, will you go out with me on a real date?”

At a loss for words, Alec could only nod yes.

Instantly his spark was back, as Logan started grinning like an idiot. “Then to commemorate our new status as a couple will you to stay and dance, with me?”

Alec’s mouth dropped open. “Dance? Now you want to stay and dance?”

Logan laughed. “We can consider tonight a prelude of sorts to our first date.”

Alec cleared his throat, aware the music had stopped and that they were standing there alone on the dance floor. Around them people had given them a wide berth. Alec wasn’t sure how much they had heard before or after the music had stopped. Obviously it was enough to hold the crowd's interest.

“Logan we don’t have to wait. You got me, and we can just head back…”

“No. Alec, you’re worth the time and effort, and I want you to know that. I need you to know that.”

Flabbergasted, Alec just stood there, staring in disbelief at the man he’d known for years. Logan took several big steps back, out of Alec's personal space. Alec felt the loss.

With graceful fluidity, Logan stretched out his hand, in an invitation. “Now Alec, the most beautiful person here, will you dance with me?”

Alec met Logan’s gaze head on with as much elegance and sass Alec could manage-it would have made Dani proud-Alec firmly clasped his hand within Logan’s.

Once he did, applause broke out around them that was quickly overshadowed by music.

It didn’t matter. Alec and Logan only had eyes for each other.


kink: crossdressing, genre: slash, kink, pairings: alec/logan, challenge: darkangel_bb, fandom: da, genre: au

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