June speeds by...

Jun 18, 2007 10:02

June has always been a busy month, although thats not to say that May isn't also busy - or really, any month recently in my case.

hmmm....where to start...

Well, pride is out of the way...for now. There was enough interest to try to keep things going and so theres another meeting scheduled for September. I don't want to. but I might not much of a choice...but I shall keep my fingers crossed...and hopefully get some work done for pride in the following months.

Catering has been picking up, with a variety of events all over town. Lots of fun, and having fun with the people that I work with, too. The work should continue over the months ahead.

The call centre is about the same...some shake-ups here and there, but otherwise, time just goes by, and while not always fun, theres some good times, and I do enjoy being able to read for hours - although I miss being on facebook when I want to. bastards. but I understand, and its not that big of a deal.

I've been going out lots - 'cause its better than being at home! (far too hot...and smells like cats) Been doing patios uptown and downtown, with time spent at friends houses on the poor nights. Also been dancing more and more...whee! The bike is holding up well, although I'm worried about the really gross weather that has been showing signs of approach. Probably not very good for my health. but I am developing a tan - I just need more frisbee time.

I was in hamilton this past weekend. Catering and going to the bar on Thursday and Friday night didn't exactly put me in the best shape to party all night Saturday, but I had a great time - lots of fun people to dance with, admire, and be checked out by. Partying at Scotty's before and after was good times, too - and I brought back a new friend to participate in the fun. Of course, there was no sleep for most of us in the house, just lots of chats and good tunes. Although there was a variety of drama, it was more of the type of day-time soap opera, and therefore I was able to view it as such....with a little acerbic wit tossed in! As usual, being in Hamilton meant the consumption of a large amount of things that I should be saying no to, but when in Rome...haha.

The guy I brought back was fun. He spent the day with me at Scotty's house, before we had a long walk to get him home. We didn't go far at all....just enjoyed each others company and cuddled. He was very comfortable. I think we'll try to meet each this weekend for Toronto Pride - I definitely want to get to know him more, although he will be one of the first in my immediate acquaintance to be positive. and that makes me sad. sigh. (I left my water bottle at home and so my vitamins are sitting forlorn beside me. I'm not quite feeling my chipper self...which certainly doesn't help when I think about Steve at all...or the 12 year old boy that was just crushed by a horse in my novel.) I'm not certain what this will turn into, especially as he's had some pretty tough times and there's still drama going on. Its going to be tough...but he's got a great vibe and he seems like a pretty decent guy. and sex can complicate things so much...it might be interesting to see how things work out if sex isn't the focus.

The Embassy in the summer with the patio is great - lots of dancing spaces and people in hamilton (or at least the ones that go to embassy) seem to be much more visible in the appreciation of good dancers. lots of dancing circles to partake in - very fun times! I really should just NOT go to ren and splurge on the bus to hamilton...although it might be nice for steve to come here...not to say that I'm planning on long-term. what comes, comes. and I can choose to love the moments that I can share or not...and it seems to be far more fun to share fun.

I'm tired. and don't really want to be here today. I think I shall start to read by book..provided it doesn't make me cry. errr. I need some apple juice! did I mention that my legs are sore?! (and reading means I'm not thinkin about steve)

until the next chapter....
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