Jan 12, 2007 09:24
I could've sworn that I had posted an after-new-years journal. Apparently, I did not. Unless the myspace gremlins make it over here too. Arg. I suppose I shouldn't be too quick to blame others - maybe I simply forgot - or misremembered that I did it. Does that sound like me?
As it was, my journal was going to be rather long...but now its going to be so much longer...sigh. thankfully the day at work is going slow so far. Whee!
The Christmas season went well. I managed to make a fair amount of last minute money, so I was pretty comfortable; managed to go out many times, and got some nice stuff for my roommates, although I didn't have any additional money to spend on anyone else at the time. sigh. I managed to buy some christmas cards, but I just didnt have any time to do any but for my roomies. I received a food processor from the roomies, so now I have more options to make some yummy foodstuffs in the house. Got a few things from Rick, too, which was sweet - but I didn't get him anything!
Spent a few nights with Ted over, smoking bowls and cigarettes - I think we made him watch superman and blake, aaron and I passed out. sorry, Ted! (and I must say, he's looking hot!)
I also enjoyed the time off on the actual holdidays, although my work schedule was a little crazy for awhile, albeit fun - considering my schedule, I cannot believe how much alcohol and weed I managed to consume in the weeks past - well done!
New Years was pretty good - the restaurant went really smoothly and I had Rick doing some hosting and bussing so that was nice, and we all did okay with money - although not nearly so good as last years rakings. Janet, Rod, Rick and I then jetted (I drove the Cougar)to Rude Native for some more excessive drinking and fun. Not a bad time - I think I'm gonna have to start going there more often! We all parted ways, and Rick and I cabbed to Josh and Steve's where sundry sketch-heads were scattered all over the place. Fun times. Even more weed and a fair amount more alcohol(and perhaps a little something else as well)...ensuring that by the time that Rick and I got home it was well after 9am. A pretty fantastic New Years.
All in all, 2006 was a pretty good year. It certainly didn't have an auspicious beginning, although I was getting back to my old self pretty quickly. I discovered that it wasn't a big deal to be single for most of the year - just one short-term boy that outlived his usefullness pretty quickly. I may have had a little more fun then that, but all in, I'm rather proud of myself. I also continued to curtail my substance use even further. Considering my birthday, I worry that my body won't be able to withstand the ravage of an onslaught of assorted drugs. Not that I've been given any reason to - I still feel pretty good about myself. I feel really good and I'm still turning heads (which is still a shock, at times) I've had a lot of happy times to myself this past year and many, many great times with many people - its been great to have the freedom to go out alone with friends and not with a constant tag-a-long - or to be the tag-a-long. I've been doing well this year on drinking the beers too - but its still gross. Its also been nice to sleep in my bed alone - even with a lot of rambunctious nights, 5 hours sleeping alone is so much better than 8 hours with someone in the bed nearby.
Handling two jobs has been a fun experience, although its still never enough money! Pride 2006 went off rather well, if I do say so myself. Gratifying. Although, I must admit trepidation towards what is yet to come for Pride 2007. I managed to reduce a lot of the debt I started off the year with, although I really racked them back up again. thankfully, I'm well on my way to getting them down to zero - and I almost own my television. I am cutting down on my coffee (mainly the coffee I purchase daily: coffee mugs/machine from the roomies for my birthday has pretty much already paid for themselves in savings...now I just need to further reduce smoking. Financially, I'm doing pretty good, and I still have high hopes towards considering a scene change - or travel plans!
I have taken to be being a pothead rather well. Its rather convenient than I'm high functioning while stoned - I can get a lot done and enjoy every moment of it. Times with friends and times alone - its all good. Too bad its not cheaper (or free!) but at least it is a lot better than the other things I have enjoyed doing daily in the past.
I've really enjoyed my reading time - alone time in the past few years was always tough, for a variety of reasons, and while I continued to read, I didn't have the focus to REALLY take part in the adventures on the pages before me. now I can. I love reading alone! (although I enjoy reading with other people in the room, the other occupants do quickly tire of my random quotes, verbalizations and snickers.)
I've really enjoyed my time in the house on Avondale - I've had many good times with all my roomies - it would be nice if there was more care taken in cleaning up after their use of the kitchen, but I realize its a pretty small thing for me to quibble about. A lot of ups and downs for everyones relationships, but things are looking pretty stable right now for all of us and that can only be good.
I've learnt a few things at the call centre and have enjoyed my social status in the place - again, rather gratifying. Between muses customers and friends old and new, I find that I actually enjoy myself at the call centre most days, aside from the stupid people, the smelly people, and the fat people. Thats tough. Don't get me wrong, I still have no intention of staying too long, but I will stick around til my debts are free and I can uproot my life and escape.
Chefs....is chefs. Its fine. I generally enjoy my time there and have had lots of fun. and lots of drinks. I don't learn that much, but I do learn some things here and there - more often than not, I'm always trying to amaze those around me with my knowledge, friends, customers, and random strangers on the phone!
On that note, I have really been working on keeping my mouth shut; trying to not bitch about little things. (whether its fair or otherwise) It doesn't always work. especially with certain individuals that also have similar issues at times. But I'm pretty happy to say that I'm doing really well on easing my karmic burden - I think I've only had one person in my life this year that got angry at me and said mean things, and I've not had a fight or stressful situation all year, aside from roommate spats. Its almost more fun to ensure that those around me are always smiling and happy, and the fact that I can do so with so many different individuals is pretty cool. Too bad I can't do the same with everyone in my life.
The past few weeks have gone well, too. Had some fun times, and of course drank and smoked a lot. tsk tsk. but it was fun! and still relatively well behaved, considering. I think I like the idea of going to house parties every week! I've also taken to really enjoying playing on Aaron's Wii - fun times with bowling, baseball - and boxing! Everyone in the house enjoys it, and it can be quite the work out as well - which can never be bad.
Rick and I are doing fairly well. Two interesting incidents of note this past weekend, but we still had a pretty fun time all weekend long, (add that to the midweek visits, coming by at 11:30pm and catching a bus back in the morning, and it already seems like he's always here) So far, so good, but I am not prepared to make any deep committments at this time...too many things up in the air over the next six months.
His rhyming couplets haven't bored me yet. His infatuation is a little tiring, but also makes me feel pretty, thats for sure! He's got a fair amount of muscle and he's working on bringing it back - and successfully, I might add. One of the most interesting things I've been reflecting upon: over the past ten years )with a fairly low count of relationships,) it always seems that the guy I'm with has enough foibles or eccentricites to put people off or make them ill at ease. or even bitchy. rick doesn't seem to have done that - not only has he taken to pretty much every single person I've introduced him to, but I actually have friends calling me asking when I am bringing him over again! and thats kinda cool.
I have some other things to do, so I am gonna finish this up. Its been a few hours since I started it and I'm afraid my book has proven to be rather distracting - and I want to go back....so thats it for now.
Here's hoping for another fantastic year of high times.
new years