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Comments 4

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denorios May 15 2009, 13:08:51 UTC
Yes, Rose and Bernard and Vincent! I was SO happy to see them. This whole season I've been wondering about the rest of the castaways - but, weren't there more? What happened to them?

But Locke! What the hell? So is our Locke really dead? And who is this Not!Locke then? And why did Jacob seem to want them all to come back? I'm so confused!

But Juliet! Oh Juliet better not be dead. She really deserves a happy ending.


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denorios May 15 2009, 13:28:31 UTC
I'm so in love with Lost again. As frustrating as it is, I love shows that mess with your mind like this!


rachel2205 May 15 2009, 13:27:27 UTC
Sawyer/Juliet?! Oh man. I haven't watched LOST in years and Juliet was crazy when I last saw it. I stopped watching half way through the 3rd season I think becuase I just got annoyed...


denorios May 15 2009, 13:29:23 UTC
Oh Sawyer and Juliet are lovely together. I would never have called it, but they really are just so sweet. And yeah, I came close to giving up on Lost about that time too, but I'm so glad I didn't because it's so good again!


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