
May 15, 2009 13:53

So Locke isn't Locke? Who is Locke? Whaaaat? I am so confused!

And who is Jacob? What's his deal? And what the fuck is the Egyptian stuff all about? And why was he there at some pivotal point in all their lives? Although...Jack's pivotal point is a candy bar? Ummmm?

And Juliet! Oh man, Juliet. I will smack a bitch if Juliet dies. Considering how much I didn't trust her when she first turned up, I ♥ her so much now. And Sawyer, oh poor Sawyer. You better not break up Sawyer and Juliet, show, or there will be beatings.

But Christ, what a place to leave it!

I am so glad I stuck with this show through its awful period because damn, it's good again!

tv: lost

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