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Comments 10

gelsey June 26 2016, 10:44:25 UTC

You'll feel loads better when the idiots over here vote for Trump.


denorios June 26 2016, 10:48:18 UTC
Don't even joke about that. Between Trump, Putin and this clusterfuck here, I'm signing up for the next mission to Mars!


gelsey June 26 2016, 10:50:24 UTC

Save me a window seat.


author_by_night June 26 2016, 12:06:32 UTC
I hope Brexit is somehow reversed (people ARE seriously talking about it), and that people here learn from it. But they won't, because... they just won't. I don't think they want to. I think people like living in ignorance and just voting for the loudest thing, be it a decision or a person.

I mean, on the Trump end, I have not heard one rational reason he should be POTUS. Keeping in mind that by "rational" I don't necessarily mean in agreement with my political beliefs, but reasons that at least have basis in thought. No. It's just "he speaks his mind." That's why you like a particular shock jock, not why you vote for someone to be president. WTF.


sueworld2003 June 26 2016, 11:07:07 UTC
I totally agree, and I'm currently watching a TV show where the bloody labour party is currently making life easier for this government by tearing into each other.

This one big nightmare!


trepkos June 26 2016, 11:56:08 UTC
I actually think I have been more ashamed of it, but not very often.


snogged June 26 2016, 13:37:29 UTC
It's incredibly sad. :/


ext_3721614 June 26 2016, 14:39:14 UTC
That's kind of true


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