I feel like I'm living in 1930s Germany...

Jun 26, 2016 11:34

So people are googling what the EU actually is, after they've sodding voted on it; Daily Mail readers are realising that oh, hey, maybe we've been lied to; Cornwall has suddenly realised the only reason it's finanially afloat was actually because of the EU; Nigel Farage is backtracking on Vote Leave promises; 3 million people have signed a petition calling for a new referendum; racist, xenophobic incidents are on the rise; the Labour Party is in crisis; the Conservatives are de-facto leaderless; Scottish is preparing for another independence referendum...

I feel like I've woken up in some kind of alternative universe. If I walk out my door right now and see people walking about with dark eyeliner and goatees, I may start screaming and never stop.

What have you done, you idiots? What have you done? Never in my life have I been more ashamed of my country; never have I been less proud to be British.

politics: britain

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