I miss my fannish feels...

Apr 07, 2014 17:36

I am entirely lacking in fannish feels at the moment. I miss it. I don't know what's happened, where it's all gone. I feel like I'm watching a ridiculous number of shows, and yet none of them are really enthralling me. I can't think of any characters I really love. Even shows I once adored are just...meh at the moment, and I don't know whether it's ( Read more... )

fandom: meta, tv: miscellaneous

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Comments 16

elfinessy April 7 2014, 18:57:56 UTC
Can I recommend Almost Human...?


denorios April 7 2014, 19:00:44 UTC
Didn't it get cancelled? I don't want to start watching something that got canned!


elfinessy April 7 2014, 19:09:16 UTC
Stories of its cancellation were very premature. Network has been making positive rumblings and we're very hopeful it'll get renewed soon :-)

But - even if all we ever have is the 14 episodes of series 1, it is SO worth watching them. And I think they expected to get cancelled, because it has a gorgeous final season episode that would have been fine to end on.

Luckily, I don't think it's over yet :-)


denorios April 7 2014, 19:22:26 UTC
I might hold off until I know it's been picked up - I hate falling in love with something and only getting one season!

But thanks for the rec. Even though I need another show like a hole in the head, LOL!


stageira April 7 2014, 19:27:50 UTC
Ugh, word.

Have been like that for about a year now. I've stopped watching all the shows. I try to catch up every now and then but it's just not happening.

It's even difficult to find some interest in fan fiction nowadays :(

Well unless you count football :D


denorios April 7 2014, 19:31:48 UTC
There just seem to be so few shows where I'm like, new ep, new ep, must watch, can't wait, eeee! Most, I'm like, ehh, I'll watch it tomorrow or the day after or the weekend or next week. There's just so little enthusiasm anymore, and I don't know where it went.

And I miss it. I miss all the mad passion and the fic and the icons and pimping out my LJ layout and joining all the comms and being so damn excited and in love.


boosette April 7 2014, 20:14:52 UTC
I'll take a combination of fandom decentralization and folks getting older and focusing on other areas of our lives for one thousand, Alex.


nightrider101 April 7 2014, 23:17:08 UTC
Had to jump in here to add: well said!

I do miss my golden days of fandom, though.


denorios April 8 2014, 06:51:20 UTC
I think that's it exactly. I did wonder whether subconsciously turning 30 made a difference. I don't like to think it did! I still think I have the capacity for that crazy mad enthusiasm, I just need something new to trigger it.


moonpupy April 7 2014, 23:37:50 UTC
In the TV arena - Grimm, Sleepy Hollow and Almost Human. M/F, M/M, M/Android, lol, pick your show, pick your ship.

In the moooovie arena, other than The Avengers (et al), I read The Losers fic almost constantly. On repeat. Jensen/Cougar, OTP all the way. C'mon! Chris Evans. Idris Elba. Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Hot. Sweaty. Competent! OMFG!


sallymn April 9 2014, 00:03:04 UTC
I tend to fall in love after they close down (which at least makes being Jossed harder) so it's hard to help. Even White Collar will be finishing this year...

Some folk on my flist seem to be enthusiastic about the 3 Musketeers TV series... I know nothing about it, though.


denorios April 9 2014, 07:47:16 UTC
I know, I'm sad White Collar will be ending. I mean, I can see why, I think it's run its course, and there's only so many times you can rehash the whole 'Neal is tempted back to a life of crime, Peter is suspicious, they hide things from each other but really love each other to pieces' schtick.

But I will miss Peter and Neal and El and Mozzie!

But ooh, you must check out The Musketeers! It's pretty daft and fairly anachronistic, but the guys have great chemistry and it's just fun to watch swish about in capes and breeches and sword fight.


sallymn April 10 2014, 21:58:52 UTC
I'm a huge huge fan of the 1970s Musketeer films, so may be biased, but will see when it gets here....


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