I miss my fannish feels...

Apr 07, 2014 17:36

I am entirely lacking in fannish feels at the moment. I miss it. I don't know what's happened, where it's all gone. I feel like I'm watching a ridiculous number of shows, and yet none of them are really enthralling me. I can't think of any characters I really love. Even shows I once adored are just...meh at the moment, and I don't know whether it's me or the show. Some shows I'm falling further and further behind, and feeling less and less of a desire to catch up.

NCIS has completely fallen by the wayside, and I used to adore that. I was all over Gibbs and Abby. And now I'm, what, two or three seasons behind, at least. I haven't picked up Suits again yet, I'm at least half a season behind on Revenge. I'm two eps back with Person of Interest. I dropped SHIELD and Once Upon a Time completely.

The only shows I'm caught up on at the moment are NCIS:LA, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, Supernatural, Castle, Sleepy Hollow, White Collar and Elementary - and even there I'm not fannish over any of them. Not even Supernatural! Not even Dean Winchester, goddammit!

I don't know where it's all gone. I miss that crazy love.

fandom: meta, tv: miscellaneous

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