Queueing to vote...

Nov 06, 2012 12:34

This may seem a particularly random question, but is it a fairly common occurrence to have a queue for some length of time to vote in the States?

I ask because I see quite a lot of newspaper reports already mentioning queues at polling stations, and mystic829 was mentioning on Facebook the other day about queueing for two hours to vote. And I have never had to queue to vote here. I'm usually in and out in less than ten minutes.

Are the hours more restrictive in the States? Or do the stations cover a wider radius? I suppose I don't live in a big city, which might make a difference, but then I've rarely heard reports about queues to vote anywhere in this country. Do fewer people, proportionally, vote in the UK? I don't know what the figures are, but that would surprise me.

news, politics: america, politics: britain

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