Of kittens and cars...

Sep 10, 2012 09:51

My weekend seemed to consist mostly of watching cats and Formula 1 cars. Occasionally at the same time.

Ezri seems to be settling in just fine. She's certainly getting used to me, I think. She likes to climb up my leg and arm and perch on my shoulder chewing my hair. I feel like I have a parrot instead of a cat. And damn, I'd forgotten how sharp little kitten claws are! I look like I'm self-harming.

Bandit seems to be adjusting slowly to this new interloper. There's a bit of growling and swatting when they're face to face, the occasional chase, but he seems fairly tolerant. He actually have her a bit of a sniff and a lick this morning. I think a few more days and he'll be used to her. I've been very careful to give him lots of love and fuss, and at night he still has the full roam of the house and Ezri is in the study.

And as for the cars, yay for Lewis! I was so pleased to see him win. And it was just the kind of victory that I was complaining last week that Lewis never seems to get. I was saying to my father that when Jenson wins it always seems a very serene process; he leads from the start, is rarely troubled, and just cruises on home. Whereas when Lewis wins it's always a nail-biting exercise with the pole position swapping around, someone always on his tail, pit-stop disasters. So I was very pleased to see Lewis have a Jenson-style win. Although it was a shame to see Jenson drop out. Not so sad about Vettel, just a shame Alonso couldn't have had a DNF as well.

Lewis didn't seem all that happy though. Usually he's thrilled at winning, grinning and punching the air. He seemed very subdued. I'm worried about him. I don't want him to leave McLaren, but I can see it coming. And if he leaves I'm not sure where he'll go. There doesn't seem to be any spots for him at Red Bull and Ferrari, and anywhere else is going to be a step down.

Thought it was interesting that the three drivers on the podium were the three drivers who were all knocked out by Grosjean's idiocy at the first corner last weekend. Karma, I see thee at work.

sport: formula 1, animals: pets

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