Aug 03, 2012 15:58
Yeah, I'm a little behind the curve on this one - I just started watching. Sometimes it's actually nice to start a show after it's already run its course, so you get to mainline the whole thing in one go and don't have all the agony of cliffhangers and hiatuses and will it/won't it get renewed.
So I'm about two thirds of the way through the first season, and I'm really enjoying it so far. It's actually surprising affecting too, the way you see the impacts of the murders reverberating down the years. There have been a couple of eps that have just had me sobbing by the end.
It's fun playing spot-the-guest-star too - the ep I'm watching at the moment has Starbuck (BSG), Tara (Buffy) and Shannon (Lost) all in one go! Fun!
tv: cold case