Mirror mirror on the wall...

Jun 10, 2012 18:55

I saw Snow White and the Huntsman this afternoon, and...can I say I liked it in spite of myself?

I mean, the acting was not good, not at all, and I think it could have been a much better film otherwise. I think Kristen Stewart is a dreadful actress - she's so wooden, so incredibly blank. I just don't understand why people keep hiring her. Someone with more personality would have been great in this role. All the characters keep talking about Snow White's spirit, and I'm like, what spirit? Seriously, planks have more spirit.

And Chris Hemsworth, god love him, he's mostly just muscles really, isn't he? He should always stick to action movies. I love him as Thor, I do, but he really can't bring any great emotional depth to the screen. And Charlize Theron is a good actress, but I found her villainy way too over the top, since it's in a movie surrounded by such stilted performances.

That said, I still liked it. I like anything that takes the traditional damsel in distress fairytale and let's the damsel kick ass and save herself. And the cinematography was gorgeous. It seemed a bit pointless to have such good British character actors as the dwarves and then barely use then, but ehh, the movie wasn't called 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves' this time for a reason.


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