Don't fuck with Jack Bauer, folks...

Jan 16, 2006 21:05

I think I'm going to be saying this a lot with 24 but ...

Palmer! President Palmer! I can't believe they shot him! I don't even know who 'they' are, but...Palmer! Oh man, Palmer. I liked him so much. What a way to open the season.

And Tony! Tony and Michelle and the Cubs mug. It made me so happy that they were together finally and that Tony still had his Cubs mug, after everything that's happened. And then BAM! Michelle! Waaaah, they're killing everyone I like! I can't believe they killed Michelle. Dude, I loved those two. I'm so depressed now.

Are they killing everyone Jack loves or something? Fair call, but hell, they're killing all the characters I love! I don't like this at all. Are we gonna be left with characters I don't like and Jack? President Logan and his wife? Yikes. He's a spineless wimp and she's a certifiable fruitcake

Oh man, I have missed Jack Bauer! There's really no-one quite as cool and cuddly and goddamn ruthless on TV. You would have thought by now that bad guys would have learned not to fuck with him. Heh. If the season carries on like this it's gonna be a knockout!

tv: 24

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