Why you do this Marvel

May 14, 2013 23:13

Jubilee is in the new X-Men lineup.
I want to read this a lot, but I also don't want to see it fucked up. IT ALWAYS GETS FUCKED UP.
Found out about it through this tumblr.

So, for the first time I heard a formal definition of plot. It's more or less what I thought it to be except in name: the accepted version of story vs. plot is actually what I refer to as scenario(s) vs. story, and then *the* story is *moves hands in a circle* the entire thing. Still, I had a brainwrinkle having it delineated. Also, it makes me think of all the plotless stories I've read and how I felt like I was cheated of time for reading them. I think that some of me rankles a little at separating the two so definitely because even though I fully believe that people put themselves in their stuff primarily through their value judgments/decisions in sequencing events (in fact, I'd say that's the only deliberate way besides characterization, which seldom counts), I feel it pins me down to one interpretation when a lot of the time people are actually setting up scenarios to explore questions. Ultimately one path is followed, but it's just like how photographs are not as ambient as actually being there, because there are all these smells and sounds and temperature shifts that add so much more texture to a place, whereas photos edit that out to capture a mood of it. Sometimes what is not followed informs what is followed. I like having that option. But at the same time, I know that's what my problem is. I actually dislike solely scenario stories; I think they congratulate themselves too much. When I'm reading, I want an answer. I can always go back and play What If on my own. However, although I know this is what's wrong with me, I don't think I'm wrong. There is something lacking in this dichotomy, especially since people are always so eager to separate the work as an autonomous entity.

Also, I think drawing too deep a divide is a short jump to juggling archetypes and tropes. Boring!

Basically, for the foreseeable future that's all I'm going to think about it.

One more thing: I think life, everyday life, is like the story, but it's a plot that everyone wants. The way I live my life, plot and story aren't too different. I guess you could say I expect myself to follow through, but the other side of it is I haven't gotten down to it yet. That is a bit harsh though, because all the points that I've gotten to, I think of as lead-up to the next thing. I guess the analogy only goes so far.

edit: suddenly i can't remember how to write tags, haha.
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