Apr 23, 2012 14:00
I know I must've left you in suspense. I mean, I bet you couldn't sleep wondering what was going on in the small but vengeful world of apartment living. If maybe I had finally been taken down as traitor, or worse, had come to find a ransom note outside my door, saying "we have you dog, don't mess with us!".
Well, neither has happened, yet. Although I must say that my actions and those of other group of neighbors which I will call, the Avengers of Reason (even though one of their own, Capt. America chose the road of conflict and petty remarks, so un-captain america), have become outcasts of sorts, or as Captain America called us, "his detractors." Though for that term to apply he would've had to have our full support in the first place. The truth was, when we voted for him to become out fearless leader, it was because we were eager to get the hell out of that boring meeting.
Anyway, things got pretty heated up during our last meeting, you'd think we were conspiring to bring down a government or something. But no, we were actually trying to decide on whether to approve the most recent budget for paying the building's maintenance, or look for ways to make it go down. I for one, had to hold the urge whenever one of my fellow avengers of reason would interrupt Captain A and literally ask him to shut the hell up.
Of course, not everyone is part of this new league of justice, and those "from the other tower" kept throwing us hateful glances, every time someone said something that actually made sense, and we all nodded in agreement. Like for example, the title of the meeting was to discuss the budget, yet Captain America wanted to rally his troops and boycott said meeting. First, because he thought we were going to discuss our brand new recreation center, which was not the topic at hand (and it was not on the title of the notice telling us about the meeting), and second, because he thought we were all going to thank him for making life complicated when all we had to do, as sensible adults, was to sit down, decide and move on.
So, ever since the man who I would like to name our fearless avenger leader, Mr. A, got up in his grill (Captain A's) and basically told him that if he had chosen the position as leader he should act as one, grow up and shut up, all hell has broken lose.
I wonder if Captain A's expecting us all to yell in agony and say why, why why???? I have to tell you though, no one's yelled so far.
Only, if I have to be honest, I think the real reason he got so offended as to quit his heroic position, was because one member of our A team, got up and forgot whether he was a captain, general, commander or soldier, which was actually really funny.
And not even his loyal followers were able to stop this apocalyptic decision. However, I'm certain they'll have something to say about it, and we'll be the ones to suffer from the absurd number of ridiculous posts they'll write on our website.
Obviously, chaos will now reign and I'm not sure who will take his place, or whether will survive it. It could well mean the end of this mini-series, since maybe someone who actually has more than the urge to contradict everyone, could take his place.
I'll keep you posted.
Mrs. Detractor
P.S Reactions have already to come in through our apartment's website and apparently we'll now enter an era of anarchy where the evil administration will impose their will and send us all into despair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who will save us now??????
all of my neighbors,
apartment life