Bucket List

Apr 03, 2012 12:49

It's 2012 and I thought it was a good time to review my bucket list. Things I would like to achieve throughout my life, hopefully some during this year that we're starting. And I will mark with the word check, those which I have already done.
So let's get started.....

1.- Become a published writer
2.- Win a RITA award
3.- Get married (check)
4.- Have 3 kids
5.- Move to another country
6.- Travel to Ireland (check)
7.- Speak more than three languages. (With Spanish, I've already got 3: Spanish, English and French)
8.- Read the many books in my wish list. (This is one of the things that'll change, I keep adding new books every month or so, so this one might be a little hard to achieve). (still trying to get there, it's not my fault, my list grows every time I go to bn.com)
9.- Meet a famous romance author like Nora Roberts (I was in the same country as her during my honeymoon, though didn't get to meet her)
10.- Go to a world series game, at Yankee stadium, with my father.
11.- Go see Michael Buble in concert
12.- Dance with my father at my wedding (check)
13.- Take a cooking course
14.- Take a writing workshop
15.- Achieve something before I'm 30. (Uhmmmm tough one, time's running out.)(I've discovered I like teaching, might be something there)
16.- Meet someone famous
17.- Visit Inn BoonsBoro in Maryland and stay at the Eve and Roarke suite.
18. Go to RomCon one day as a published author
19. Never stop writing
20.- Take a creative writing certification at NYU
21.- Take a long vacation with my sister Debbie.
22.- Travel to cities in the U.S like Salem and Savannah.
23.- Have a house next to a lighthouse in the east coast in USA.
24.- Have a house next to the beach.

That's all for now. I'll keep adding stuff or hopefully, erasing stuff.

bucket list

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