[The SHOW 2006.01.28] ShoxSatoshi MC

Apr 19, 2016 21:08

Sourced from various Japanese journals. Most of them are incomplete and drawn from memory so they’re really here and there and everywhere, I’ve tried to piece them together to get a logical flow but there might be some errors. Short introduction for those who might be less familiar, the Yama pair did their own solo concerts in 2006, with Sho’s concert being “The SHOW” (14/1 - 1/2) which is also his pen name when he write rap lyrics during that time, while Satoshi’s concert is called “3104yen concert” (29/1 - 26/2) after his name Sa (3) To (10) Shi (4). Please DO NOT repost without permission.

After the Sho+screen performance of “Oretachi no Song”, Sho introduced the next song and the opening of “Oretachi no Song” started playing again, while the audience were wondering if this was a mistake, Ohno Satoshi appeared in person and the both of them did a live version of the song together. They then proceeded with a short MC session.

The audience kept screaming in surprise.

Sakurai: Alright, calm down already (laugh) So who’s going to Ohno-kun’s solo concert tomorrow?
Audience: Ye-ssss!
Sakurai: All you greedy people (laugh) Please do take care of our Satoshi-kun (laugh)
Ohno: Hi everybody~
Sakurai: Let me introduce you to my childhood friend, Ohno Satoshi-kun!!
Ohno: Oh yeah! I’m only one year older than him!
Sakurai: So your solo concert is starting tomorrow, how do you feel right now?
Ohno: I’m very worried.
Sakurai: What are you so worried about?
Ohno: I will be alone… (shaky voice)
Sakurai: What’s the concept for tomorrow’s show?
Ohno: Nothing’s been decided yet…
Sakurai: What!? Tomorrow’s the first day and nothing’s been decided yet? I guess you should be considering to return the entrance fees now? (laugh)
Ohno: Well it’s just… nothing worth 5800yen…
Sakurai: Hahahahaha… Say Satoshi-kun, so the ticket wasn’t 3104yen huh?
Ohno: Unfortunately no. This year’s 2006, plus 3104, then add a bit more and it’ll be 5800yen.
Sakurai: Yeap you’re right. Now let’s talk about how we came to make this song together.
Ohno: …
Sakurai: (hits Ohno’s head) Hey, are you asleep?
Ohno: …No, the lighting’s kinda bright don’t you think?
Sakurai: Well yes it is. Anyway, at first, I was thinking of doing something together, so I sent Satoshi-kun a mail asking if he has decided his set list.
Ohno: I was sitting at the bench at the park near my house drinking coffee at that time.
Sakurai: Wait, why were you drinking coffee at the park?
Ohno: I also had sandwich~
Sakurai: It’s not about that
Ohno: It’s ham sandwich~
Sakurai: I didn’t ask what’s inside either (laugh) So I asked “if it’s fine with you, would you like to write a song together?”, he simply replied “alright”. I said “Ohno-kun if you’re busy with something else the don’t force yourself”, but he said “please let me do it” (laugh).
Ohno: Then he replied “thank you very much”, I said “you’re welcome”.
Sakurai: You were really polite, replying me in a very proper manner (laugh) When I said “please write some lyrics then” and you said “alright, got it”. Well I tried writing by myself but it didn’t go well so I had to pull you in.  Then after that Satoshi-kun called me, “Sho-kun I’m done writing the lyrics” “oh really?” We had such a conversation didn’t we?
Ohno: Ye~s (the both of them looked at each other and smiled)
Sakurai: But it turned out that he only wrote 3 lines (laugh)
Ohno: I couldn’t write anything~
Sakurai: Then again, these 3 lines are perfect. You know so much about me, yet you only chose those things to write.
Ohno: Yeah I know a lot. Actually I’ve tried writing a lot of things.
Sakurai: Well you don’t have to… but we really went through a lot.
Ohno: I really recalled many things. Sho-kun, are you really good at soccer? I thought of writing “I like Robert Baggio more than you do!” something like that.
Sakurai: What has that got to do with anything? (laugh)
Ohno: But I guess not many people will get it so I gave up. Sho-kun you used to wear the 27cm light blue Nike shoes huh?
Sakurai: That’s actually 24.5cm!
Ohno: It was super big you were practically dragging, Nino and I have always been looking at you from afar wondering what’s this crazy little guy doing with such big shoes.
Sakurai: Hahahahahahaha
Ohno: Alright I gotta go now, all the best for the rest of today’s concert, I’ll see you tomorrow!

Ohno went backstage while shouting “I’m only one year older than him!”. Left alone, Sakurai continued talking a little bit more.

Sakurai: Recently I didn’t really get to meet the members. Ohno-kun’s birthday is in November, but I couldn’t give him his birthday present, until 2 weeks ago. I really didn’t have the chance to pass it to him in person… I gave Ohno-kun a hair dryer. The hair dryer he’s been using, it’s the one with a hair comb, and that comb thingy came off. How scary. Well I hope the hair dryer I gave him can be put to good use when his solo concert starts tomorrow (laugh)
I love them so much ♡

♥ 大里予矢口日, ♥ 木貝貝女井羊习习, ♥ translations

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