[2003.08.21] How’s It Going in Osaka MC

Jan 03, 2016 12:42

This was so much fun! The boys shared their childhood nicknames, Nino mentioned being bullied in school, Nino made a mistake during performance, Ohno finally did something leader-like for Sho, Ohno and Aiba barged into Nino’s room… and, Ohno talked a lot! Please DO NOT repost without permission.

Sakurai: Everyone in Osaka, good evening! Good evening! Hey hey, are you still awake? Are you awake, you people! Everyone, how are you? Thank you. We are Arashi! We’ll be talking a bit from now on, everyone please sit down and take a rest. You’re tired right? So Osaka, we started yesterday.
Matsumoto: (sees people leaving their seats) Please be careful on your way to the toilet.
Sakurai: I said this yesterday, it’s hot isn’t it? Osaka. Very hot. Last night, we went for dinner, the 5 of us. Okonomiyaki shop.
Aiba: It was delicious!
Ninomiya: Delicious!
Sakurai: Delicious indeed! It’s a shop we visited for the first time. But for some reason we got really excited with the shop owner…
Ohno: While entering the shop we were like, oh long time no see!
Sakurai: Where’s the owner? Oh owner? Hi long time no see!!
Ninomiya: Hahaha who the heck are you? Like that right?
Sakurai: Shop owners in Osaka are like that huh, they play along with you. If you do that in Tokyo, they’d tell you, sorry could you please keep quiet? 

Ninomiya: Yeah we can’t do that in Tokyo.
Sakurai: They play along here, even the owner.
Aiba: The owner looks exactly like Sakai Masaaki-san right?
Ninomiya: Really, they look the same.
Sakurai: “Oh, long time no see!” “Oh haha, long time no see!” though it’s the first time we were there. We ate okonomiyaki, what else did we do? We basically just ate…
Aiba: So we ate, and went back to the hotel…
Sakurai: The 5 of us ate about 8 pieces huh. There were 8 people including staff, 8 people with one yakiudonor yakisobaeach, 4 negiyaki, okonomiyaki…
Matsumoto: 4.
Sakurai: 4.
Matsumoto: Plus 1.
Sakurai: Plus 1. Cause I eat a lot. Last night we went for okonomiyaki… Was that all we did? 
Aiba: This morning, my stomach was aching badly.
Matsumoto: Because of wheat flour? You lost to it?
Aiba: I lost to wheat flour. I had too much of it.
Matsumoto: Today, I woke up really early, I woke up at 5am…
Sakurai: You’re like one of those old folks.
Ninomiya: You’re old.
Matsumoto: I slept rea~lly early last night, and when I woke up it was 5am.
Ninomiya: Were you up the whole time?
Matsumoto: I woke up at 5am, rolled in bed for about 1 hour trying to sleep again, then finally did sleep again.
Sakurai: Last night, there was some really amazing Matsumoto Magic going on. I was shocked. When I went back, today… ah, from last night’s concert recording video, thought we should discuss about how we could improve, so we got everyone to gather at Matsujun’s room since Matsujun’s room has a video player. When everyone  went to Matsujun’s room, well, we were standing in front of the door and his manager said, “um~ Matsumoto-kun went for massage”…
Matsumoto: No no no no no

(Aiba slipped and fell)

Sakurai: Are you okay? This spot isn’t that slippery right?
Aiba: How dangerous… Right, so massage? 
Matsumoto: Wait! Wait! Let me explain? Let me explain? I reached my room, what next? I walked down to the lobby, got a drink, what next? I asked everyone, but you guys just went back to your own room. I know you guys knew that I was asking about the video! So I thought you guys didn’t want to watch it anymore, I waited for about 5 minutes though. Then I told the manager, and entered my room, called the masseuse, waited, but you guys didn’t come by, so I went on with my massage, alright?
Sakurai: By the way, when you said you asked us “what next?”, was that in Japanese?
Matsumoto: Ja… Japanese.
Ninomiya: Amazing, these 2 (Ohno & Aiba) weren’t even sure of it.
Matsumoto: If they should come over?
Ninomiya: Yeah. They were like, what should we do? This person (Ohno), ate one whole okonomiyaki I tell you. Really, for real , I’m not lying, it’s true.
Sakurai: Satoyan~ You ate too much didn’t you?
Ohno: Without soysauce even…
Sakurai: Recently, this person’s nickname, is Satoyan.
Matsumoto: But nobody else calls him that…
Sakurai: Nino, you call him Satoyan, don’t you?
Matsumoto: Why do they call you Satoyan?
Ohno: Um~ Johnny’s site? The mobile site, I thought it’ll be boring to write Ohno, “by Ohno”… hm… Satoshi doesn’t seem nice either, so Satoyan!
Ninomiya: Like that? “Not Satoshi, so Satoyan!”!?
Aiba: Were you called by that name before?
Ohno: Never.
Aiba: Not even once?
Ohno: No one called me that before!
Sakurai: Ohno, some time ago, when we were eating, he suddenly asked me “Sho-kun Sho-kun, do you know who first called me Oh-chan?” “No I don’t”. You see, ever since I entered Johnny’s I have been calling him Oh-chan. I said “I don’t know, who was it?”, “Kitagawa-san” “Wait, who’s Kitagawa-san? You have a friend called Kitagawa-san?” “Johnny Kitagawa-san”. We were simply eating, yet he was showing off about his Oh-chan. He was already Oh-chan when I entered.
Ohno: What? Are you trying to say that I’m lying?
Ninomiya: It’s not that Sho-kun called him that, when Sho-kun entered he was already Oh-chan right?
Matsmoto: So you’re saying, the one who gave you that nickname is Johnny-san? Alright we get it, end of story.
Ohno: Hey, say that to Johnny-san. Since he called me that out of the blue.
Sakurai: Ohno-kun, did you have a nickname before that?
Ohno: No, I was just Ohno. 
Matsumoto: Eh? All the while?
Ohno: Yeah, Ohno, Ohno.
Sakurai: What about Matsujun?
Matsumoto: I was “Matsu”.
Ninomiya: Hahaha… So not you. You don’t suit “Matsu” at all.
Sakurai: It sounds kinda unpleasant…
Matsumoto: Why why?
Sakurai: I have this image that if you say “MATSU”, it’s some old-fashioned nickname. Oi, Matsu! Matsu, come here! Matsu, let’s play dodge ball!
Ninomiya: Yeah it does give that kinda feel.
Matsumoto: During elementary school, and middle school, I was always that.
Sakurai: Since when?
Matsumoto: Since elementary school.
Sakurai: Till middle school, you were Matsu all the way? What about high school? 
Matsumoto: High school… *gibberish* (laugh)
Ohno: I~ can’t~ hear~ you~
Matsumoto: High school… high school, you wanna know? High school… Mattsun.
Sakurai: Mattsun!?
Ohno: Hi I’m Mattsun (with a weird voice as if he’s a sumo ready to fight)
Matsumoto: Hi I’m Mattsun (regular voice)
Ohno: Oh hi, I’m Mattsun! Mattsun, again! Mattsun, I cheated on my test! (weird voice)
Ninomiya: No no no no… shouldn’t be like that.
Sakurai: Really? Like that?
Matsumoto: No other nicknames I think…
Sakurai: What about Ohno-kun? Ah, Ohno-kun was just Ohno… 
Matsumoto: You’re lying, you must’ve had a nickname right?
Ninomiya: He should have! Definitely!
Ohno: When I was in first year of elementary school, I was Oh-chan.
Ninomiya: This guy, so he really was Oh-chan!
Ohno: No, no no, I was called Oh-chan before, but there was a guy called Ohmura-kun, he was also Oh-chan, and he was called Oh-chan first, so Ohmura-kun was Oh-chan, and I was just Ohno.
Sakurai: So, for Ohno-kun, Oh-chan wasn’t for you.
Ohno: I lost.
Sakurai: And Ohmura-kun seemed more suitable to be Oh-chan.
Ohno: But, Johnny-san saw through me. The real Oh-chan in me. And called me Oh-chan.
Sakurai: You were more Oh-chan than Ohmura-kun.
Ohno: Yes yes. Like, you’re shining through and through! What the heck am I saying? (laugh)
Ninomiya: No one knows (laugh)
Sakurai: What about Nino?
Ninomiya: I… well there’s no Niimura-kun (since Ohno had Ohmura-kun). Um, since 4th year of elementary school, hm? 5th year I think, I was always Kinjirou (Ninomiya Kinjirou). Actually for a short time during 4th grade I was Unkoman (sh*t man). After that, when I was a 5th grader, I was back to being Kinjirou. I was bullied in school till 6th grade, I don’t have good memories of nicknames.
Sakurai: It’s okay, cheer up! I’m sorry I’m sorry, shouldn’t have brought that up…
Aiba: Let’s not look back, don’t look back!
Sakurai: Let bygones be bygones, live your life looking forward!
Ninomiya: Yes yes yes… yeah… yeah
Sakurai: Kinjirou! Kinjirou! (audience joins in Kinjirou call) Okay okay, I’m making things worse.
Ninomiya: That was like some half-assed joke. Then I entered middle school, Nino, then high school…
Matsumoto: Hm? Middle school, we called you Nino too, but people in school call you Nino as well?
Ninomiya: Yeah Nino.
Sakurai: What, Johnny’s style?
Ninomiya: Johnny’s style… well, you can say that I guess. Yeah, it has been Nino. Everyone calls me that. I became Nino, entered high school, I was called a yankee, when I was in high school, no one called me by my name. I kept being called a yankee. I was pretty gloomy… Even in class, I kept playing games.
Sakurai: What about Aiba-chan?
Aiba: Hm~ When I was in elementary school, Baia?
Sakurai: What, what? Baiya? You’re actually Yabai? Yaiba?
Aiba: No no, Ba-i-a.
Sakurai: Baia??
Matsumoto: Hey, Baia! Like that?
Aiba:Eh? Wait, what’s all this teasing?
Sakurai: Were you really called by that name?
Aiba: Really. Even my brother has been called by that name.
Ninomiya: Yokoyama calls him that too.
Sakurai: You don’t have other nicknames?
Aiba: No, that was during elementary and middle school.
Ninomiya: You were called by that name till middle school!?
Sakurai: The whole time? Baia? Amazing.
Aiba: It started during elementary school, middle school… when I entered high school, we had registration numbers right? What number what number. I was absent quite frequently, so… I don’t even know the person who sits beside me.
Matsumoto: You call each other by numbers?
Aiba: The numbers are written on our desks.
Matsumoto: So, so… Hey you number 6, come here! Like this?
Aiba: You mean the teacher? Yeah like that.
Ninomiya: We’re not talking about the teacher, we’re asking about your nickname now.
Aiba: That’s my seat number. I have different numbers since I always change seats.
Sakurai: That’s no nickname.
Matsumoto: Since just now, we’ve been asking if you have nicknames.
Aiba: So I’m saying, my nickname equals number. When I was in high school.
Sakurai: Which means, when you were in high school, you didn’t have friends?
Ninomiya: You had 2 friends in high school right?
Aiba: 2 friends. I made friends with 2 people during 3rd year of high school
Ninomiya: Hahahaha…
Aiba: You see, I only go to school once in a few months. I do the rest at home.
Sakurai: Correspondence? Correspondence course?
Aiba: I did graduate properly. My high school is quite renowned, appearing frequently in Koushien.
Sakurai: I don’t get why you’re showing off about it.
Aiba: We’re really good at baseball.
Sakurai: Ah, I see. Shall we move on? 
Audience: What about Sho-kun?
Aiba: They’re asking, what about Sho-kun?
Sakurai: Me? I was pretty normal.
Matsumoto: It’s okay even if it’s normal, do tell?
Sakurai: I wasn’t… Unkoman.
Ninomiya: Rice… (since he was really small in size)
Sakurai: Not Rice!
Aiba: Beanie!
Sakurai: Not Beanie! What? Rice, all these carbohydrates… Alright alright, what was it again? My nickname.
Ninomiya: During elementary school…
Sakurai: During elementary school’s lower years, Sakku…
Matsumoto: Sakku…
Ninomiya: Sakku… (laugh)
Sakurai: And, since 5th grade… 5th grade till now, um… Sakusho….
Ninomiya: Hyakusho (commoner)?
Sakurai: Sounds similar! But no!
Matsumoto: Then, next time when we do La Tormenta we’ll go with that okay? Sakusho and Hyakusho.
Audience: (cheers)
Sakurai: What the… you don’t have to clap! Alright alright, we’ll see about that, we’ll see, okay?
Aiba: Okay!
Sakurai: Okay.
Ninomiya: Hahahaha!
Sakurai: So we’ll be singing 1 song now! It has been confirmed that we’ll be releasing this on September 3rd, Coca Cola’s CM campaign song. We’ll be performing “Hadashi no Mirai”, Johnny’s Junior please bring forward our stand mics.
Ohno: Johnny’s Junior… Junior… (weird voice)
Sakurai: If it’s fine with you, we’ll have the audience stand up and dance with us. The actions are really simple, people who don’t remember, you can memorize now, and when it’s released and shown on TV, you can dance along. Let’s get it going.
Aiba: Alright!
Sakurai: So those who can, please dance along. “Hadashi no Mirai”!

(Hadashi no Mirai performance, Matsumoto went backstage right after)

Sakurai: This song will be released on September 3rd. With Nino’s drama theme song, “Kotoba Yori…
Ninomiya: Taisetsu na Mono”!
Sakurai: Yes!
Ninomiya: Yes!
Sakurai: Yes! Double A side. (Turns to Nino) You, you got the choreography wrong!!
Ninomiya: (laugh) I didn’t! How could I!?
Sakurai: You did this (wrong action) during “Kotoba janakute~”
Ninomiya: I didn’t! 
Ohno: Don’t get that wrong!
Ninomiya: Oi, what? Ossan!
Ohno: Don’t get that wrong!!
Ninomiya: Oi! Oi oi oi! No!!
Ohno: Get yourself together and memorize it properly!!
Ninomiya: No it’s not like that, Ossan, he was dancing from the start right? 
Aiba: What are you doing? Everyone knows all the steps right?
Ninomiya: No no! I was like…
Ohno: We’re professionals!!!
Ninomiya: No no no, I was… well I was dancing with a different emotion from the rest of you, thinking it was a graceful move, that’s why I made that mistake.
Sakurai: Wait wait wait, I get it that you’re dancing with emotion. But that graceful thing, like you’re pretty? 
Ninomiya: No no, ojisan (Ohno) was dancing from the start right?
Ohno: Dancing with emotion, but you must get the steps right, no? We’re professionals mind you! Don’t get carried away!
Ninomiya: I was dancing full of emotion! Ojisan!
Ohno: You can’t just focus on emotion!!
Sakurai: Settle this yourself, both of you.
Aiba: Fight!
Ninomiya: Nah… I just want everyone to calm down and dance with emotion. Okay so I did a mistake, and showed “ah~ I got it wrong” that kind of expression… the audience here were having so much fun!
Sakurai: I see. So you’re right to make a mistake.
Ninomiya: Yes yes.
Ohno: Don’t drag the audience down with you. Don’t drag the audience down with you!
Ninomiya: Don’t say that twice!
Ohno: You!
Ninomiya: What!?
Ohno: You!!
Ninomiya: What!?? I told you not to say things twice!!
Ohno: Ah~ah~ah~, I give up. When you got it wrong, even though I was right, I felt stupid (laugh) You know, I wasn’t exactly sure of the steps either (laugh)
Ninomiya: I memorized everything! But suddenly my hands went up, like they were pulled.
Ohno: Yeah, it’s okay.
Ninomiya: (laugh) So it’s okay? I’m sorry, I’ll do it properly. Second half, I’ll be sure of it!
Ohno: Second half!
Ninomiya: Yes?
Ohno: It’s written in your heart right? “I can still do it!” Then please do so!
Sakurai: I thought that’s totally up to his determination…
Ninomiya: Not that I have none!

Sakurai: Um, I’ll digress, this is totally unrelated. Yesterday, how long has it been since we debuted? 4 years?
Ninomiya: Yeah. 
Sakurai: We’re entering the 5th year right? It’s been so long huh.
Ninomiya: Entering 5th year.
Sakurai: It’s been so long huh.
Ninomiya: Yes.
Sakurai: For the first time, Leader did something Leader-like for me! I am so touched I feel like crying. Really! 
Ninomiya: What?
Aiba: What did he do?
Sakurai: Yesterday, my manager, he said he’d prepare toasts (bread) for me, before concert. He was really confident somehow, saying that he’s good at making toasts, “Sakurai-kun would you like to try?” “Okay then make me some”. But my manager had to settle some other things so he couldn’t make them immediately.
Ninomiya: Cause he was busy.
Sakurai: After a while, when my manager was walking towards the toaster, he was frantically calling out to me “Sakurai-kun something’s happened Sakurai-kun something’s happened… Leader’s using the toaster!” Why? Why was he using the toaster?
Aiba: That bread wasn’t even his own right?
Sakurai: Yeah! That’s what I thought! He was right beside me when my manager said he’d make toasts for me, so he must’ve heard everything, and yet when my manager left for a while, he quietly snatched the toaster, I thought that was pretty sly of him. But wait, he was making 2 toasts!
Aiba: Like, I’ll toast them for you!
Sakurai: Leader, why’d you make 2 toasts?
Ohno: ??
Sakurai: First time! This is the first time I see him do something like this!
Ninomiya: Amazing, Leader! Usually when he buys juice and such, he wouldn’t share his drink even when I ask for just a sip, he’d leave some for me after he’s done and tells me to throw the bottle!
Sakurai: This is the Leader who does such things. That guy, toasted bread for someone else! He’s grown hasn’t he? Oh he has grown! But, there was something weird. When I was eating, Leader asked “It is nice?” “Yeah it is, thank you, aren’t you eating, Leader?” Is it supposed to be bad? Ossan, why were you were beside me the whole time?
Ohno: No no (softly)
Aiba: Leader is such a guy! This is the first time, you’re becoming really nice recently huh?
Ohno: I realized recently! Arashi… is wonderful.
Sakurai: Well well well, I’m really happy, but that should be said by someone else. When we say it ourselves it’s like we’re trying to comfort each other.
Ohno: I finally get it!! The barrier is broken!!
Sakurai: Including junior years, we were together for 7, 8 years huh.
Ninomiya: Ojisan, you’re acting weird (laugh)
Ohno: Nah, honestly, I just think I’m better at making toasts than your manager!
Sakurai: Ah, no wonder. So it’s like, I won’t lose to you! kinda thing?
Ninomiya: Which means, you’re sure that you’re better than his manager?
Ohno: Yes, I have a set of sequence, for myself. First spread butter, put the bread aside, spread ketchup, mayonnaise, add cheese, that’s how I do it.
Sakurai: Never heard of it!
Ninomiya: That’s how Leader does it.
Ohno: Then, what if the manager placed cheese first? I shall not allow that!
Ninomiya: Leader, you’re too serious.
Ohno: I’m A-type (blood type) after all! Even though people keep saying I’m O-type… I am A-type! That’s why, I can’t allow something with cheese placed first to be given to Sho-kun!
Ninomiya: Honestly, yeah, I get it.
Ohno: I’m telling you, cheese comes last!! For me.
Ninomiya: Can’t you just tell his manager?
Ohno: I might as well do it first, and, if you toast it for 5 minutes? It’ll be burnt!! 4.5 minutes is the best!
Sakurai: I’m sorry! Leader, sorry for cutting you off while you’re talking so passionately, but Aiba keeps saying “He’s going crazy! He’s going crazy!” beside me.
Aiba: You’re too passionate, Leader, what happened?
Ninomiya: Leader, you’re talking a lot today. Did you sleep a lot last night?
Aiba: What happened to you?
Ohno: I slept a lot!!
Ninomiya: I knew it.
Ohno: I slept around 9pm!
Ninomiya: You slept around 9pm? Last night, 2 guys came to my room.
Sakurai: Who?
Ninomiya: These 2.
Sakurai: Eh? Aiba-chan and Ohno-san, you guys went to Nino’s room?
Ninomiya: Yes yes, with both their managers.
Aiba: It was so packed, there were 5 people! 5 men. We watched TV.
Ninomiya: Then somehow the manager started eating okonomiyaki, in my room. These 2 were playing while watching TV, then they got sick of watching TV and started to do massage. The 2 of them went playing all over the room, for about 30 minutes? Leader ended up sleeping… on my bed!
Sakurai: Why, otousan, why did you sleep on someone else’s bed? Go back to your own bed!
Ohno: I was helping him warm his bed! (laugh)
Ninomiya: I don’t need that! It’s summer!

(Ohno pretends to get mad)

Aiba: Violence, violence! Leader is hitting people!
Ninomiya: Leader gets mad when he’s embarrassed!
Sakurai: How scary, Leader. Well, let’s move on to our main program! Shall we end this session?
Aiba: Oh!!
Sakurai: Sensei, if you please.
Aiba: (cough)
Sakurai: Um, when you cough, please move your face away from the mic.
Ninomiya: I think he’s trying to get attention… sorry, senpai,
Aiba: (coughs on purpose)
Ninomiya: Ah, sorry, he’s still trying to get attention…
Sakurai: You’re not a rooster, just face your back when you cough okay?
Aiba: Alright!! Let’s move on to the second half! Yeay! Yeay! Yeay! Yeay! Please listen to this song, by Matsumoto Jun, “Don’t Cry”.

♥ translations, ♥ 嵐

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