100 Things I Love [6]

Jun 11, 2012 15:40

[6] Takeshi Kaneshiro

I love this man! I started following him a around 2002-ish when I finally got my hands on the Japanese drama God, Please Give Me More Time.
It was unbelievably sad, but I adored it - all that they had to go through.... for it to end the way it did... *sniff* But ah, so good!!

I fell in love with him even more when he was in The House of Flying Daggers (which most people will probably know him from and which is one of my favorite movies ever - from the fighting choreography to the story, and all the beautiful colors and scenery, just ... ♥♥♥)

Perhaps Love, The Warlords, The Battle of Red Cliff I & II, and K-20 Legend of the Mask have all been watched just because he was in them. I admit that with no shame LOL. And I've been pleasantly surprised with all of them.

If you're curious about him, give one of his movies a try. I suggest the love-story/martial arts House of Flying Daggers, of course - and hey with Andy Lau and Zhang Ziyi also starring how could you not want to watch it?

100 things

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