Silence is Golden entry: In Parting

Dec 15, 2011 10:31

So this is my entry for the Silence is Golden contest at the KakaSaku comm. *sigh*

I felt like it was never going to get done. I failed my final by one percent (anxiety sucks). It nearly killed me. So I've been studying more for the retake.

I had just enough paper to do this. Which is why my sketch work was on lined paper.

I had finished it and done rough pencil shading, and then the dog knocked over my son's cup and spilled juice ALL OVER the papers. *flails* I wanted to cry. I suck at coloring and I desperately want a tablet. I don't have a scanner so I apologize for the quality as well. So, sorry that it's kind of boring (and that the right side looks a little... rough, it's where the juice spilled). I had fun with it... until everything bad started to happen, XD. And I still beat you universe! Take that!

This is meant to be read together. As in the left and right sides are meant to be read together. Sakura's story is on the left and Kakashi's is on the right. As her story is unfolding, his is also happening. When they come together it's read from Left to Right, Top to Bottom. I tried to keep my panels pretty, but let's face it, I'll never work in manga, lol.

And sketch:

fandom: naruto, fanart, contest entry

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