Wishlist fic - Fairy Tail - for cutecrazyice

Dec 06, 2011 08:54

Title: From the Sands
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pairing: Gray/Lucy
Rating: T
Written for cutecrazyice's prompt: Seduction.
I hope you like it, Ice! ♥

The forestry around them swept past in bursts of vivid green. Lucy sat with her chin in her hand, only thinking about their destination. Even Natsu’s dry heaves and overall bitching about moving things couldn’t distract her from the knowledge that they were going to the Cadelonia beaches.

They were getting closer - the trees were breaking away and the heat and humidity were rising. The spirit mage tugged at her collar and re-crossed her legs. If only Natsu didn’t get so sick. She knew that he would and yet she still wore the cute skirt and the perfectly pink panties hoping he’d get a glimpse.

She sighed to herself. Who was she kidding? At least they’d be at the beach soon and that meant bikinis and another opportunity for her to get Natsu’s attention. She smirked inwardly, completely oblivious to the eyes that kept glancing her way.

As soon as they had checked into their room, the strongest team in Fairy Tail headed straight to the beaches. Lucy pulled off her warp-around skirt, loving the way her salamander-haired team mate eyed her. The summer sun warmed her skin and she put a little extra sway in her hips as she approached him. She nearly blushed at the way he seemed to stare straight into her as he rose to his feet.

“Natsu, I was thinking-“


She bit the corner of her lip. “Yeah?”

He wrapped his arm around Lucy’s shoulder and spun her out of the way before pointing a finger at Gray. “You! Swimming contest!”

The ice mage clapped his hands together. “Bring it on, Flame Head!”

Gray casually slid his eyes over to Lucy as he walked by her. Erza threw her arm around her friend as they watched the guys go. “With Natsu, you can’t be so subtle. You should know that.”

“Yeah, I’ll get him next time.”

“That’s the spirit! Now, let’s go get some sun.”

The spirit mage cast another look out at the water and followed Erza. She had determination, but every time she tried…

“Hey, Natsu-“

“Eating contest!”

It was like he didn’t see her…


“Gray! I challenge you to a volleyball match!”

And all his focus was on beating Gray…

“Natsu, listen - “

“Sand castle contest!”

Erza sidled up next to Lucy that evening as they grilled their dinner over the flame, Gray and Natsu fighting over the last piece of meat. “Why don’t you just corner Natsu after dinner and throw his face into your cleavage?”

Lucy shrugged, only giving into a tiny smile as she picked up her almost empty glass of shochu. “I dunno. I’m starting to think it’s all pointless… and I even spent the jewels from our last mission on some really cute lingerie.”

The red-haired warrior smirked as Gray spluttered into his drink. “Well, maybe it’s not all wasted.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just call it a hunch.”

Lucy only nodded and then polished off her drink. She smiled at the boys’ antics and how Happy lounged about with his fish like he was in paradise. With the exception of Natsu’s thick skull, their first day hadn’t been so bad.

The second day was a bit better. The contests continued: ice cream eating contest, pillow fights, who could hold their breath underwater the longest, and who dared to cliff dive from the highest point. And Natsu still managed to look right past her, even when she pressed against him or gave him a great view of her body.

The knucklehead was completely and utterly oblivious!

Instead, Gray was taking up all the offers that Natsu was passing on, like rubbing sunscreen on her back, getting her a drink, and snapping photos with her. He had to admit that he was glad she missed the blush that spread across his cheeks after they took a couple pictures together. He hadn’t even meant to, but damn she was pressed up so close to him and she smelled so nice and her skin…

Natsu smacked Gray on the back of his head. “What’s got you spacing out like an idiot?”

“You’re the idiot!” Gray spun around and shook his fist at him. “I wasn’t spacing out, I just-“ He paused and glanced back at Lucy.

“Hey, are you checking Lucy out?”

The spirit mage perked up as she heard her name. She acted as if she hadn’t heard and flipped another page in the magazine.

“Uh… no, no, I’m not checking her out,” Gray defended with a stutter.

“Right! I mean, Lucy’s cool and all, but I don’t think she’s your style.”

Gray cocked a brow. “And whose style is she? Yours?”

“Pfft! No way! She can be way too loud. Besides, Lisanna’s back and I want-“

“Like you’re not loud,” he grumbled before springing into action at Lisanna’s name. “Yeah, yeah. We all saw that one coming.” He had been hoping to spare Lucy the details. Yet by the way she hastily closed the magazine and stalked away, he was sure she had heard.

“Come on, drinking contest!”


Gray tossed and turned in his bed that night. Images of a certain blonde mage and an overactive imagination plagued his mind’s eye every time he began to doze off. Natsu’s loud, drunken-induced snoring didn’t help much either.

The door to their shared room opened and Lucy snuck in; Gray was pleasantly surprise by her sudden appearance and her state of dress. Her pale nightie fell to the middle of her thighs and really accentuated her… um… assets.

He quickly closed his eyes as she looked over at him. When he opened them again, she was leant over Natsu, stifling a giggle. He sat up, drawing in his legs, and tilted his head to the appreciate the view.

“What are you doing?”

A tiny yelp left her lips and she quickly straightened and he smirked. She slowly turned her head to look at him with an expression akin to a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

He slid out from beneath the crisp sheets, noting how her eyes darted down his bare chest. “So, what are you doing?” he asked again.


Placing a hand on the small of her back, he peered over her shoulder and fought back a chuckle at the comical thick black eyebrows drawn on Natsu’s sleeping face. Lucy blushed at their small contact and smiled knowing he found it amusing.

“Let me see that.”

His fingers brushed her as she passed along the marker. She watched as he drew flames coming from the corner of his mouth and all over his cheek.

“That fits him perfectly,” she appraised with a small smile.

“Your… um… pajamas fit you perfectly.”

The air around them tensed. “That was-“

“What do you want me to say? How could I not have notived?”

She shifted under his gaze, remembering how Natsu called him out for looking at her. “Well, thanks, I guess.”

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to seduce me, not that idiot.”

Her eyes widened. “I-!”

“Like I said, how could I have not noticed? Those panties you were wearing on the train…”

“You saw those?”

He nodded. “The cut to your bikini, needing sunscreen put on, the way you’ve been walking and bending over. And now you’re in here…”

“Gray, I…”

He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Natsu’s a complete moron… and ice can be hotter than fire.”

Lucy blushed feeling the hard planes of muscle pressed against her, only the flimsy material of her nightie between them.

His eyes fell closed as her hands rested on his chest, one finger tracing over the mark of their guild. She considered Gray a great friend. He was undeniably attractive and loyal - she grinned to herself - and he had noticed her. Who would’ve figured that knowing he had been checking her out and hearing him be so straight forward would’ve been a turn on.


Her head shot up and her hands slid up and around his neck as she rose up, tilting her head and pursing her lips in offering. Juvia wasn’t going to like this…

Gray closed the gap, sealing their lips together. A delightful tingle coursed down his body and his grip about her waist tightened. She lightly gasped, allowing his tongue to merge with hers.

Seduction could be tricky, Lucy had learned, but at least on the train ride back to Magnolia Lucy wasn’t sitting alone.

Erza glanced up at the pair from behind her magazine and smirked. Natsu hiccupped and covered his mouth, face looking rather green. “Will you two quit? It’s not helping…”

The mages exchanged a look before erupting into giggles at the sight of his face, crudely drawn flames and all, and then shared a final kiss that did him in.

fandom: fairy tail, wishlist 2011

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