[book] Autumn

Aug 04, 2011 14:58

So I spent a little money on myself the other day and bought an awesome dinner, some clothes and - BOOKS! I bought kiddo two books, the hubs a book, and myself two books. I purchased The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Murakami and I can't wait to dive into the 600 or so pages of content and blissfully shut out the world at night :)

I also bought Autumn by David Moody. It's the first in a 4-part book series about none other than: Zombies.

Autumn has a really good pacing to it and while the chapters are ridiculously short - as in 300 pages and you get a prologue, 45 chapters, and an epilogue - it makes it a bit easier to read. Only have fifteen minutes? You can get through a few chapters. I killed the book in two days - and that was only two nights and a morning of reading.

The first few chapters of the book introduce the main characters - each chapter focusing on where he or she was when 'it' happened and with pretty good detail. The characters' reactions to what's happening around them is realistic - the reasoning, the actions, the fear - and it's easy to get sucked into. The bleak world that the characters are thrown into is both well-crafted and creepy.

I am no English major, but even I was able to spot the numerous grammatical errors. They were all minor. Commas weren't present near words like but and too nor were they there after some of the introductory words and phrases. Some conversations were closed with ' instead of ".

But these tiny things weren't so offensive that it took away from the story. In fact, from what the cover of the book says, Autumn was adapted into a movie and is available on DVD. *shrugs* (Maybe I should go look for it)

If you like zombie-related entertainment then I say you should definitely give it a chance.

The second book, Autumn The City, is already out and the third in the series, Autumn Purification, is set to release August 16 (at least that's what Amazon told me). And nims, I finally used that gift card and bought the second book in the series with it! It even covered the shipping :)

You can check out David Moody's site here
And the site about the series along with some free excerpts at The Last of the Living

AND I'm just going to leave this here.... I can't wait for October!

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books, zombies, awesome flist is awesome, sites

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