Where am I???

Jul 28, 2011 14:35

Silly LJ wouldn't let me login and when it did, it took forever to load. I was like *Waaaaahhh drool* waiting for it.
So I went to DW and poked around (if anyone else has a DW account, you can find me there under denilmo as well) and then today when I went to sign in at DW... it wouldn't let me!! DW is being really laggy for me now. So if you replied to me there, I'm sorry I haven't responded.

I passed my MGC final!!! Yay!!! 4 credits under my belt in less than a month! I killed it! *dances*
My reward to myself? FF Dissidia 012 :) Yeah I'm SO playing it... all day... and night .... and in my sleep.
Not really, but it's been fun so far.

It's trying to keep me from writing SoG but I won't let it :D
I'm working on it right now actually. Which I'm heading off to focus on.
I hope everyone else is surviving and handling the LJ wonkiness well :)

awesome flist is awesome, irl: uni, dreamwidth

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