Anyone want to be my beta reader???

May 23, 2011 21:06

My beta reader kind of ... fell off the face of the earth I guess. She hasn't responded to me in weeks.

I've contacted former beta readers, and the few that I've worked with before are all busy with other projects or not beta reading anymore for various reasons.

I've used perfectimagination and while I usually get a result, I can't seem to find a decent beta reader who is willing to work with me (or that I've contacted a beta reader and I have to wait like 7 days but then even after it won't let me put in an application with another one for some reason, it's frustrating!). The last one I found from there has been good but like I said ... I have no idea what's going on with her lately.

SoG chapter two is ready and I haven't posted it yet because ... it's not beta'd!!

I'm looking for someone to help catch grammar, spelling, and punctuation mishaps. Someone who will give me some good advice and tips to help give some areas more depth. There are some parts when I write, that I feel needs more description and others that I totally miss that could really use more. If someone could point those areas out to me, that would be great! Also ... plot holes. Plot holes are bad and can cause good ficcage some serious damage and I don't want that to happen to me or my story. So if my beta could be my passenger and be like "No! Swerve to the right, plot hole!!!" that would be cool too.

If anyone is willing to beta read for me (or know a beta reader or where to find one), I will give you the internetz and be in debt to you (and everyone knows what having Deni in debt to them means) and I'll cuddle you.... and give you cookies ... KakaSaku cookies ....


fandom: naruto, awesome flist is awesome, writing

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