Something Different [KakashixSakura]

Feb 20, 2011 15:40

Something Different
Kakashi & Sakura
General; Comedy(?); light romance/fluff

Kakashi never thought Sakura was the type to induce nosebleeds. Neither did she.

Just a silly idea that came to me while sharpening my new color pencils.

Kakashi was perched atop a branch in one of his favorite trees. Although it was cool, it was refreshingly sunny and what better way to spend his time than basking in the sun and reading his favorite book? Where he chose to hide away was quiet and no one hardly ever thought to look for him there. It was relaxing and the occasional breeze swept through the branches, through his silvery locks and invaded his cocoon of warmth - but it was one intrusion he did not mind. He sighed, content, as he flipped another page.

His ears picked up on the sound of foot steps, the grind of dead leaves under each light foot fall. There was something soothing about that light crunch, swish, crunch, swish noise that he couldn't quite place - or perhaps it was the comforting chakra signal that came closer with each one of those crunches. It had been over a week since he had seen her last. He never thought that there would be a day that he would long for her to return home while she was gone on a mission.

He worried about her, though he knew she was fully capable of taking care of herself. He had a different worry; one that kept him up some nights, one that had him sneaking to her window once news of her return reached him. It was no longer the uneasiness a teacher felt over his student's first mission or of a partner you relied on. It was a worry that pressed down deeper, that beat in synch with his heart. His general concern for her well being had morphed into something far greater. The realization both thrilled and scared him.

He closed his book and looked down, expecting to see her head of bubblegum tresses at any moment. Only then he realized that he no longer heard any foot steps. Where had she gone? He was sure it had been her.

Suddenly the branch dipped and gently swayed as her weight landed beside him. Standing there was no longer the fresh genin who obsessed over boys and fretted over her forehead. No, she had grown into so much more. She was intelligent, witty and as frightening as she lovely. She was confident. She was caring...

She was staring at him suspiciously. Crap. He better say something.

"Hello, Sakura. Glad to see that you're back."

A brow rose. "That's it?"

"You could always make your entrance again and let me try one more time?"

Her hands automatically went to her hips. "Pfft. I finally sneak up on you and you want me to do it again?"

"For the record, you didn't sneak up on me. I heard you coming."

"Well, for someone who heard me coming you sure did just sit there like a bump on a log staring at me like some kind of freak for the longest time," she said as she crossed her arms and turned away from him.

He hid the smile stretching his lips. "So, how was your trip back?"

She dropped onto her butt causing the branch to shake again, but never once did she wobble like she was losing her balance. She glanced at him with piercing green eyes and with a huff replied, "Boring."

"Do you want to be ambushed on the way home or something?"

"No! I just ... wouldn't mind if something different happened, just once. Different doesn't have to be dangerous."

"I see."

The wind blew and he watched as Sakura closed her eyes. Her hair fluttered in the breeze and he reisted the urge to touch it, sweep it behind her ear, or twirl it in his grasp. She smiled as she looked to him. "I did get you something though."

"A souvenir?"

"A gift, since I missed Valentine's Day and all."

A Valentine's gift? He didn't really like sweets, even if the choclate made in Tea was exceptionally tasty. Honestly, he didn't think he could stand the idea of being presented with more giri-choko from the one person he wanted more than that from. But he could never ask her for more.

She shouldered off her pack and opened the top flap. After a few minutes of watching her rummage through her belongings (which the way she mumbled to herself was really cute, he thought) she produced an envelope. There definitely wasn't any chocolate in that. She faintly blushed as she offered it to him. His curiosity had been piqued and he gave his thanks before eagerly opening it.

He pinched a piece of paper between his fingers and slid it out. Sakura watched, horrified and amused, as his eye widened.

In his hands was a picture of Sakura posing sexily in nothing but underwear.

He stared in shock, unmoving and silent. If he didn't know any better, he even would have said his heart momentarily stopped beating and that his brain had short circuited and needed to reboot. He wasn't sure how long he had been looking (ogling, he corrected somewhere which countered his argument about his brain short circuiting) but it was apparently long enough for Sakura to think she had made a mistake.

She snatched it out of his hands and he reached after the picture a moment too late. She stuffed it back into her bag. "I knew I shouldn't have done this!"

"Wait ..."

"I just got tired of giving you those stupid chocolates! And you don't even eat them anyway." Her hand flew into the air in irritation. "I wanted to give you something ... different, something that said I liked you more than I should."

"That definitely did the trick," he muttered under his breath, blinking and bringing his hand up to his face.

It didn't go unnoticed and she punched him in the shoulder. It stung even without chakra behind it. "You could have said something though instead of sittng there!! I feel so stupid!"


"Just don't mention this to anyone. It's bad enough that now whenever I look at you I'm going to remember how you reacted to seeing me and ..." Her voice died off as she finally looked at him.

His head was tilted back and he was mumbling something incoherently. More concerned than angry she moved closer to him. "Kakashi, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Fantastic."

"What happened?" She gently grabbed his wrist and tried to pull it away from his face, but he wouldn't allow it. "Kakashi!"

"I'm alright."

"If you were that repulsed ..."

"No. No, it's just ... I ..."

Her eyes narrowed at him. "You what?"

He sighed and pulled his hand away and she saw that a patch of his mask was darker than the rest. "What-"

"Nosebleed," he deadpanned.

The crinkle in her brow smoothed as what he was saying sunk in. The blush from before came back in full force. "Oh."

He nodded and brought his hand back up to his face. She snickered, which turned into chuckles, which developed into full out laughter as she pulled his hand away again. She reached into her pack and retrieved some gauze.

"Glad you're in better spirits now," he stated with a light laugh of his own.

"Don't lean back, lean forward, silly. You don't want to swallow any of the blood, do you? Breathe through your mouth and pinch your nose gently."

He grunted but did what she said, which gave him a nice view of her legs so he couldn't complain too much. Her hand settled on his back and despite the bleeding nose, those few moments with her were enjoyable. They'd have to do this again - hopefully with a better understanding of each other's feelings.

Feeling brave, he sat up and looked at her. "So, I can have the picture back right?"

She laughed and with a shake of her head, pushed his back down.

An instant later he grinned as she replied.


*And I tested those new color pencils as well. The quality's not that good because I had to take a picture of it. But here you go. It's Kakashi's nosebleed inducing Sakura.

fanfic, kakasaku, drawing skills

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