30 Days: Music Prompt (Day 6) and an awesome lunch

Feb 20, 2011 12:20

Day 6: Your favorite band.

Haha it changes every day. But today I think I'm going to have to go with : Taproot

I've only had the opportunity to see them live once. It was when they toured with Disturbed back in ... 2002 (?) I think.

Take a sampling of them with you "And if I had just one more day, I'd tell you everything, everything I had to say. I miss you." - Birthday (one of my favorite songs by them ever!)

"I need forgiveness from the people I truly care about, I need support behind my back to help me spit it out. I'm gonna win I can't afford to blow this one" - I

"Overbearing panic attack entrenching my veins in an hour I'll be okay. I pray this pain will go away permanently someday" - Poem

Today I got my ingredients I talked about :)
I also used a little of what was left of the kimchi I had and made some kimchi ramen for lunch. It was good and spicy. My lips still tingle a little XD


BTW, trucks last night was super awesome, even though the arena was way too small for them to cut loose, but kiddo loved every minute of it and only cried when it was over because he wanted to see more. (I SO won the bet, lol)

30 days of music, food, meme

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