Oct 01, 2006 23:19
Not much has happened this weekend, which is fine by me after all the excitement earlier this week. I am very excited by the fact that I am now the proud owner of Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage. It is a wonderful reference for any up-and-coming grammar dork who would like to stand out from the crowd of linguistically ignorant commentators ranting about split infinitives or the evils of using adjectives (if such a person actually exists, please inform me so that I may issue a marriage proposal).
I continue failing to learn my lesson about the work of Philip K. Dick, which is that I should not read it before bed. It's not that I have bad dreams, just very weird ones that leave me feeling vaguely uneasy even after I've forgotten all of their content. I've noticed that I've had a lot more weird dreams in the last few weeks than I did while I was in college, and I'm still not sure what to make of it. One very noticeable difference is that where it used to be very rare for me to have a dream with a real person in it, I now have a sizable number of dreams that include real people. Adding to the confusion is that only a small portion of them can be chalked up to missing people, since most of the people who creep into these dreams are/were only acquaintances.
I'm too sleepy to continue this train of thought. *shrugs*