Stupid rain.

Sep 13, 2008 16:48

I'm supposed to be in the air right now, dammit! Flinging myself out of an airplane for fun! Not sitting at home. *fumes quietly* But noooo, apparently you can't (or at least really really shouldn't) skydive when it's raining. Too hard to see the ground or something. And the next time I can go? Won't be until the end of October. BUT I'LL BE THERE, DAMMIT!!!! Still, it's so far away...


On the other hand, it did mean I got to sleep in with neeuqdrazil this morning, had a flyby visit with ManifestStudio who, bless her, is the Toronto International Film Festival theatre manager for the Varsity Cinema theatres and as such has been A LITTLE BUSY over the past couple of weeks and really just wanted a shower *hugs her*, and had a lovely chat with my brother who's in town for a wedding.

I am also amused that all this means THREE different people have used my shower today, excluding me. I am running out of towels. *g* Too bad my FUCKING WASHING MACHINE IS DEAD. *mutters imprecations*

I do really love that people can make use of the fact that I live right downtown, crashing here or showering or what-have-you. I mean, I love my place to bits, but it's an added bonus that it's useful to other people too, you know?

Right. Off to buy some Fresh Ontario Produce(TM)...

real life

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