Birthing, jumping out of airplanes, and Supernatural premiere party

Sep 11, 2008 08:30

Last Wednesday night, my upstairs neighbour and dear friend SprightlySplink gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I was right there with her, as I had been for a number of hours, helping her in such ways as I could. I have spent much of the last week trying to articulate how amazing (and intense!) the experience was, and for the most part have been rather unsatisfied with the results. Suffice to say that it was incredible, I was deeply honoured to have been invited to participate in this family event, and I am in awe of the women who do this all the time, all around the world. (And many more than once, no less!) Yes, I totally cried when the baby was born, and I did totally call my mom up the next day and thank her profusely. *g* I'm glad to report that everyone in the family is doing well, and that SprightlySplink plays a mean game of Castle Crashers even with a week-old baby at the breast.

THIS weekend, however, I am gearing up for something else I've always wanted to participate in: skydiving! \o/ I've actually been wanting to try this for YEARS, but only recently discovered a place that I could get to by public transportation. Yes, if the weather doesn't suck on Saturday, I fully intend to hurl myself out of an airplane with a few square metres of nylon between me and my otherwise untimely demise. Wish me luck. Seriously. I'm a bit of a klutz, and while I'm gratified the site touts the fact that they've never had a fatality (uh, GOOD), I still fully expect to break a leg in a fairly literal sense. And am totally okay with that. *beams with the placidity of the patently insane*

In other news, I have been continuing with my Supernatural marathon, and falling back in love with our boys all over again. *happy sigh* And with the new season fast approaching (yaaay!) I wanted to again throw my doors open to local SPN fen who would like to watch the premiere next Thursday in the close confines of my little home. Hope to see you there!

supernatural, real life

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