Should I take Paul Lynde for the win or George Gobel for the block?

Jul 26, 2007 09:06

As as beer drinker, I face a bit of a quandary. I recently found out that Blue Moon Belgian Wit is brewed by none other than Coors. Not only is Coors a garbage beer, but the president of the company, Pete Coors, is a loathesome right-wing ideologue. The problem is that Blue Moon is good. There's an interesting malt profile complemented, but not overwhelmed, by a nice citrus flavor. You can't really taste the hops, but Belgian beers aren't noted for hoppiness. So, all in all, it's an excellent product. But it's brewed by Coors, which is just evil.

The quandary is, do I swear off Blue Moon and avoid contamination by foul Coors-ness? This way I'll keep my money out of the hands of evil Pete and his cold-filtered garbage (the point of serving frosted beers is to reduce the taste; if you serve 'em cold enough, everything tastes the same). Or do I reward good behavior? Coors brewing has brewed a good beer, and they market it well, to serious beer drinkers. They treat craft brewing as an important part of the beer market, and not as a fad that will go away if Americans are buried under enough subpar rice-based swill.

I think the solution will be to drink more Guinness until brewing season starts again, and then drink more homebrew. I do what I can.


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