☆ DREAM ( 005 ) Death dream

Jul 09, 2011 00:35

Warnings: Sad. Very, very, VERY sad.
Effects: The feeling of wanting to die.

God, this made me cry )

still very handsome, death, pretty boys die young, such a shame, !dream

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1/2 beats_zelos July 9 2011, 04:48:22 UTC
[…It was horrible. That was the best way she could’ve put it. To see him die - sure, she disliked him sometimes, but.

She never wanted to see him die.]

...Zelos. [Her voice comes out barely in a whisper--]


voice; beats_zelos July 9 2011, 04:49:13 UTC
[Nope, she’s going to get a hold of herself. Right now. So she takes a deep breath, and although there are tears in her eyes-

Maybe that’s why she has it on the audio function.]



voice; demonspear July 9 2011, 04:53:59 UTC
[He wasn't going to say anything but her yelling made him come back to his senses.]



voice; beats_zelos July 9 2011, 05:00:52 UTC
[GOOD you better answer her. 8|]

That dream...

[No she's not going to freak out about it.]

It was...just a dream, right? Right?


voice; demonspear July 9 2011, 05:10:46 UTC
[And with that, Zelos is silent. So much for being a loudmouth. He looks away from the dreamberry, not like she can see him anyway. Hopefully she'll take the hint because he's not really sure if he can say 'No, it's not'.]


voice; beats_zelos July 9 2011, 05:18:52 UTC
[no. not silent. that's not good when it comes to Zelos.]

A-Answer me, damnit!!


voice; demonspear July 9 2011, 05:29:29 UTC
What do you want me to say?!


voice; beats_zelos July 9 2011, 05:42:38 UTC
Tell me that it was just a stupid dream! Tell me...tell me--

[She can't say anything else. She's never going to admit it, but she is crying, but she's trying her hardest not to let it show in her voice.

But this doesn't make sense. She had just seen him, hadn't she? He had been...fine...


But then why wasn't he answering her?]


voice; demonspear July 9 2011, 06:03:07 UTC
[The sound of her voice was making him feel guilty. What is he supposed to say to her? She already sounds like she's breaking.

He hesitates before speaking again. He knew it was all gonna come out eventually, but 'eventually' meant never.]

I can't.


voice; beats_zelos July 9 2011, 06:09:08 UTC
[She can't say anything. The feed goes silent for a long time, before--]

Why didn't you say anything before, you idiot?!

[Her voice is shaky, but she couldn't let it go without asking.]


voice; demonspear July 9 2011, 06:28:22 UTC

You see the way you're acting right now?


voice; beats_zelos July 9 2011, 06:43:18 UTC

That isn't the point!


voice; demonspear July 9 2011, 17:40:24 UTC
Do you honestly think it would've made a difference if I told you earlier? I don't think a "Welcome to Somarium, Sheena. Oh by the way, I'm dead," would have changed anything.


It would have been better if no one found out at all, but I guess Somarium just has to ruin everything, doesn't it?


voice; beats_zelos July 10 2011, 05:27:37 UTC
[lgkhdfghd. But. But still.]

It was bound to come out eventually! [Oh whoops, she actually let out a sniffle. YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT--]

I don't care if Somarium "ruined" anything, the fact still remains that you were carrying this around all this time! What else haven't you told me, huh?!


voice; demonspear July 10 2011, 21:41:52 UTC
[He heard it. And now he's feeling really guilty. But he'd wipe those tears if he could. Thanks a lot Sheena. B|

He'd rather carry it around then to deal with reactions like these. There's a pause before he speaks again. But this time, he lightly smiles. Her crying didn't make him feel any better so might as well try to brighten things up while smiling. She can't see him, but knowing her, she can probably tell he is.]

I'm pretty sure the dream showed everything that needed to be said about my sad and miserable life. [Chuckling now.]


voice; beats_zelos July 11 2011, 00:28:56 UTC
[She couldn't help it, okay. As much as she acted like she hated him--


...Why didn't you tell us sooner? I don't...I don't understand...

[That laughing does not make her feel any better, btw.]


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