33! 33! 33! 33! 33!

Aug 31, 2011 14:42

So I'm 33 now! This year is going to be amazing, I can feel it. YOU GUYS, THIS IS GONNA BE THE ONE.

I'm spending the day at home, which is my favourite thing ever, and I have myself all set up here with my tea and my cinnamon toast. I guess when you get older, Chuck E Cheese doesn't have the same birthday pull it once did.

Can I tell you how amazing Stephen is? He threw some elbows and fought tooth and nail against an online wall of cosmetic junkies and managed to pre-order one of the coveted Muppets makeup palettes from theBalm.(Click here if you have no idea what I'm talking about: http://www.temptalia.com/sneak-peek-thebalm-cast-your-shadow-face-palette-swatches#more-31229)

I know, right?! Do you know how hard this thing was to get? First of all, there are only 1000 of them in existence, because that's all they were licensed to make. Then they gave 30 of them away to Beauty Bloggers, which is how I found out that this thing even existed. Then they sold a bunch of them last week during an online pre-sale to the first 300 people to email them at a certain time. At this point, I tried to stop myself from looking at the pictures of it online, since I knew I wouldn't get one and it was making me all, "SIGH! Look at these palettes, probably all being sold to these little whippersnappers who have no idea who the Muppets even are. I bet they can't even name all the characters on the box. Hmph." I figured that by the time they actually did go on sale, there would only be maybe 500 or 400 left, and not even my fastest TicketMaster fingers can compete with that kind of limited edition craziness.

Then they decided to have another presale while I was at work, and Stephen hunted down which company it was, saved a pre-made email and had his browser up and auto-refreshing at 2 minutes to the hour. When they opened it, he was one of the first 200 people in and he managed to score me one. When I came home last night, all sad and Muppet-less, he was all, "BAM! I got you one! Happy birthday!" He is the most amazing human being I know.

Other things I am doing today:

- Watching the cheesiest movies I can dig up. Whassap, Legend of Billie Jean!
- Taking a fabulous Birthday Bath. 2 Fizzbanger bath bombs, 1 Marathon bubble bar and 1 Ceridwen's Cauldron to tone down the spice. TRUST ME.
- Thinking about what we're going to order for my Fabulous Birthday Dinner. Right now, it's between Indian and Thai.

i'm old, makeup, stephen, everybody loves a ding dong, glee

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