Something **Wicked** This Way Comes

Jun 23, 2005 00:14

Well, this Friday will be my belated birthday party. So far, five of my friends (and maybe more) will be coming for pizza and ice cream cake. And hopefully they'll be bringing presents.

Speaking of presents, the other day me and eliara finally picked up Laur's guitar. Shiny dark blue six-string electric...eliara tried it out a bit in the store for me, since she knows how to play a bit. I also got a nice bag for it, and an extra set of strings (she'll have to buy the amp for herself...but they have some pretty nice cheap little ones there, so I'm sure she can manage).
The total bill came to just over two hundred bucks. Can you tell Laur's my bestest of best friends??

I wanted to wait until it was closer to the end of summer to give it to her, but Mom pointed out I should probably do it before the full refend policy runs out, just in case her parents make a fuss over not letting her accept it or something. So...she'll be getting it tomorrow. And eliara's coming over, juuuust to see the look on her face.

When we got the guitar, we also went to see Madagascar, which was very amusing. The commercials made it look funny but, I mean, it was even funnier than that. I especially loved King Julian and the lemurs...and that song! Man, what I wouldn't give to be in on the lemur mosh party.

Well, in light of Book 6 coming out soon, I decided to reread my Harry Potter Book 5. Started yesterday...I'm now on chapter 29. Hopefully I can finish it by tomorrow.
Man, there is just so much that happened in this book that I completely forgot about! I mean, obviously I remember the main plot and stuff, but a lot of smaller details and lines....*shakes head*
And some of this stuff is maing me go "Woah!" all over again. Par examplar, this little line here, said by Sirius to Snape in a verbal fight:

"Tell me, how is Lucius Malfoy these days? I expect he's delighted his lapdog's working at Hogwarts, isn't he?"

........Um, lapdog?? Okay, last time I checked JKR said she DOES read the fanfiction....which means she presumably knows how cracktastic it is what the typical mindset of these writers is like. theory she had to realize how the majority of fans are going to react to...that. Uh, yeah...

Been trying to fight off any new fic ideas that have been popping up for the HP fandom since I started's harder than usual, probably because Le Muse, Tahlia, knows HP is one of the few fandoms she could actually concievably make an appearance in. But no; I must resist. Especually since I haven't been able to write at all lately....not sure if it's writer's block or I just needed the break....but whenever I get back to it, I'm finishing the latest chapter of "Meta" and then hopefully wrapping up "Great Divide". Hopefully.

harry potter, friends, slash

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