Sexual Semantics 101

Jun 20, 2005 00:03

...well, that's an LJ entry header I probably thought I'd never type...

Okay, here's the deal....a discussion about Harry Potter slash with eliara on AIM, carried on simultaneously with an AIM conversation with my pervy online male friend Roger (sorry ladies, he's taken by my other online friend Cat) about the third Harry Potter movie, led to the development of a similar conversation in both AIMs, that left me with some burning questions.

Does having sex with an animagus in their animal form count as beastiality?

What about a transformed werewolf?

How about vampires; does having sex with them count as necrophilia?

(We were, however, able to unanimously conclude that having sex with a zombie DOES count as necrophilia....not that anyone would want to. We hope.)

So, what do ya'll on my flist think, hmm? Let's open this baby to discussion! And heck, if you want, you can even ask YOUR flist for opinions. I'm just interested in what other people think.

....and now I'm craving some good Snape/Lupin slash oh-so-bad. Anyone wanna help the poor perv girl out and point me in a proper direction on this vast internet of ours? Pretty please with shexy horny nekkid wizards on top??

harry potter, questions, sex, slash

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