Jesus, but Jacob is tough love. I mean, I think we all sorta knew that already, but damn.
So, possibly the best way to really disorient the watchers of Lost: an episode told in mostly linear chronological order. Holy shit balls! What is this frightening madness??
Poor Richard, man. I just...any way you look at it: poor, poor Richard. Suuucks to be you, man.
(Guys, when you meet some kind of affirmed supernatural being, why would you ever ask for eternal life? Never do that. What the hell is wrong with you? Have fairy tales taught you nothing?)
Also! We got...something...of an explanation of What The Fuck Is Going On this week. Not...a hugely epic one, but at least we chipped away at the core of the Island mythology a bit. And covered how the statue got broken, and what was the deal with the Black Rock, and...the Richard fangirls aren't listening, because they're still fantasizing about him scruffy and sweaty and in chains, aren't they? Fair enough.
(Yay historical Spanish hotness!)
...Also, I'm not saying I think the Man in Black/Faux Locke is secretly all fluffy puppies and delightfulness or anything. Far from it. I still think he's mostly the Dark Side.
But that doesn't change the fact that Jacob? Kind of an asshole.