Five Things Meme, Answers

Aug 24, 2009 13:51

And it only took me twelve days! *facepalm*
Here are the answers for elliotsmelliot and dollsome (nicole_anell, I'm rewatching the entire first season of Dollhouse this week, so I'll answer yours after I do that).

Are there 5 dates (past/future) that you would like to time travel to?

Despite this allegedly being a fandom meme, I assume you don't mean they have to be dates related to fandom, so:

1. April 29, 1996. RENT premieres on Broadway. (Just try not to think about how the creator died just months before.)
2. March 4, 1829. Andrew Jackson's inauguration bash. I hear it was one hell of a party.
3. November 19, 1863. Lincoln delivers his Gettysburg address.
4. August 15 - 18, 1969. Original Woodstock festival. *flashes peace sign*
5. June 18, 2087. My 100th birthday. I wanna see if I'm still alive ;)

Top 5 fictional ladies!

Okay, it's really hard to narrow down/decide something like this. So I'm going to go with a slightly ambigious decider of "characters I keep coming back to, even after everything that happens to them or me":

1. Demona, Gargoyles. Immortal sexy redhead half-crazed out of her mind with a desire for genocidal vengence after centuries of watching her fellow gargoyles suffer at the hands of humanity. Also, in no particular order, a sorceress, a scorned lover, a mother, and the author of a good deal of her own sufferings. Badass, cold-blooded and utterly wicked, Demona was part of what about Gargoyles shaped my childhood and fictional mentality so completely.

2. Boomer, BSG. I know, I know: Number Six is supposed to be my girl. But amazingly slinky as she is, Six in her various incarnations will have moments will I wince and go "Girl, you messed up". Boomer, despite the show's best efforts at time, I could never really hate. Obviously she did things that were wrong, but I couldn't see where she was coming from and disagree with her. The entire BSG universe just seemed determined to keep crapping on poor Boomer, and she just kept getting darker and sicker and more tired and it sucked my heart right in and made me so, so sad. Poor Boomer. Nature Girl never had a chance.

3. Lara Croft. I have a love-hate relationship with Ms. Croft. I'm not a videogame person, so I've never played her. I've not even seen either of the movies (despite them featuring the bodacious Angelina Jolie). And there's the little fact that anyone who thinks Lara Croft is an accurate portrayal of archaeologists makes me want to laugh and laugh and then maybe slit my wrists a little. And yet, I joke that I want to be her. Why? Because she's iconic. Because for better or worse, thanks to Lara, people think archaeology and think "sexy" and "BAMF". How could I want it any other way?

4. Risika, In The Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. A vampire that's neither a monster or a whiner, Risika just unapologetically is. And what she is, is eternal and self-sustaining badass. She would rather be dead than weak. She doesn't just leave her past behind, she scorches the earth. (Honorable mention goes to Jessica of Demon in my View by the same author; a teenage girl that falls in love with a vampire and wants to become like him, only without sacrificing all her personality traits and/or individual thoughts, YES SMEYER, I'M LOOKING AT YOU. OH, DID I MENTION THIS BOOK WAS PUBLISHED IN 2000? BY A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD? IN YOUR FACE!!)

5. Faith, BtVS. Faith is like all of Joss Whedon's best character creations: an archetype given a face. She's the girl that made mistakes and then wasn't lucky. The dark mirror. The "there for the grace of God, go I". The girl that never had a chance. She'll never get to stop running or fighting, and she'll always be broken on the inside. (Honorable mention: Tara. Just 'cus...Tara.)

history, meta, questions, things i like, fandom, about me, meme

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