Dollhouse Fic: "Fives Times He Realized" (Dominic, R)

Aug 23, 2009 21:26

Title: Five Times He Realized
Characters/Pairings: Dominic, Topher, Claire, Madeline, Echo, DeWitt, Victor, Sierra, mention of Ballard; Dominic/DeWitt, Victor/Sierra and mention of Madeline/Ballard
Rating: R for sex, language, various innuendos
Length: 3,130 words
Spoilers: first season
Notes: part of Waking 'verse
Summary: Five times Laurence ( Read more... )

dollhouse, fanfic

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Comments 28

raincitygirl August 24 2009, 02:27:36 UTC
Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow. Nicely done.


demonqueen666 August 24 2009, 03:18:32 UTC
Thank you! :D


juliet316 August 24 2009, 02:45:05 UTC
*clicks and says goodbye to her evening again, LOL*

Very very nice. I like the ending where Dominic realizes everything he does is for her.

Look forward to the next part.


demonqueen666 August 24 2009, 03:25:18 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the ending and all.

(Uh, I really hate to do this because I'm afraid it sounds like I'm scrounging for reviews, which I swear I'm not, but are you tp to date? Because I think there's like 4 or 5 new parts since you last commented...I'm just saying. I'd feel bad if you were missing things just because I post too goddamn much.)


juliet316 August 24 2009, 07:28:52 UTC
Just got caught up to date now. You'll have already found the lovely reviews by the time you get to this one if LJ's email notification is working properly. :-)


dollsome August 24 2009, 02:52:47 UTC
Oh, lovely! ♥ Funnily enough, even in a world with DeWitt/Dom sexytimes and subsequent thoughts of unwavering intense devotion (which, duh, I love) and Topher and Dominic BEING MISTAKEN FOR BOYFRIENDS (WHICH I VERY LOVE), my very very favourite part, I think, was Dominic's little conversation with Echo, that was just so striking. Oh, Laurence my boy, you are in deep indeed!


demonqueen666 August 24 2009, 03:32:22 UTC
DeWitt/Dom sexytimes and subsequent thoughts of unwavering intense devotion (which, duh, I love)

Dude, you know any fic with Dom realizing he's "in over his head" has to involve his relationship with Adelle at some point. I mean, DUH. It's what that phrase was made for. XD


I had to make it part of my fic-canon eventually!! I just had to!! (I use my Topher-Dom icon because I LOVE THEM THAT MUCH.) Seriously though, I'm all squeeful that it makes you happy. You know it.

my very very favourite part, I think, was Dominic's little conversation with Echo, that was just so striking. Oh, Laurence my boy, you are in deep indeed!How far we've come, eh? I enjoyed that part myself, and I'm pleased to hear that you liked it and it eveidentally accomplished what I set out for it to do ( ... )


dollsome August 24 2009, 03:35:17 UTC
I thought section three was nice! I kind of had a little "OH NO, ARE WE SUDDENLY HEADING INTO SCARY ADULTERY LAND, AAAAH!" when Dominic was seeing Madeline in a new lovely-lady light, which ... probably says a lot about how most stories have conditioned me to think! But considering it did not lead to, ya know, a mad love affair, I liked that it was just this quiet little moment of attraction.


demonqueen666 August 24 2009, 03:54:48 UTC
"OH NO, ARE WE SUDDENLY HEADING INTO SCARY ADULTERY LAND, AAAAH!" when Dominic was seeing Madeline in a new lovely-lady light

LOLZ! Ha, well, I'll admit, that was sort of how I was afraid it would read to some people...or more accurately, I was kinda worried I'd get rabid reactions of "WHAT'S THIS HE'S EVEN **LOOKING** AT ANOTHER WOMAN BESIDES ADELLE BLASPHEMY PAIRINGS SHOULD ONLY HAVE FEELINGS FOR ONLY EACH OTHER EVAAARR". Which is...not how real people work, so.

...I had a point to this, I swear. I don't know if I can articulate it, though -_-;;


derevko_child August 24 2009, 03:46:41 UTC
Ooh, sexy time. Oh, Laurence, <3

Wait a moment. You're not giving us happy, sexy, self-realizing times because you're going to do something awful in the next part, are you?

And my favorite part?

He drapes an arm over her and pulls her close, tucking her in tight. If they were any closer there’d be nothing between them, no skin, and their souls would flow together, merging into one. Sometimes, when it’s like this and he listens to her breathing, he imagines they already have.
Just... *melts*

*twirls away* off to finish chapter 7


demonqueen666 August 24 2009, 04:01:34 UTC
I'm glad you liked the sexy times and schmoopiness. I have a lot of fun writing them, and it's good to hear they're still enjoyable to read and haven't gotten, er, gratuitous.

off to finish chapter 7

Yaaay!! I'm excited :D

Wait a moment. You're not giving us happy, sexy, self-realizing times because you're going to do something awful in the next part, are you?

...Crap. SHE'S ONTO US, MY MINIONS!!! *scatters*


love_besos August 24 2009, 03:49:30 UTC
Holy shit from first to fifth(those two especially) and everything in between. Gorgeous. And loving the Topher/Dom interaction. They seriously play off each other wonderfully.


demonqueen666 August 24 2009, 03:58:00 UTC
Wow, thank you! I'm glad you liked it so much, especially those two parts, since they were probably my slightly more favorite to write.

And loving the Topher/Dom interaction. They seriously play off each other wonderfully.

God, I just love these two so much. Reason #2 Mr. Dominic cannot stay in the Attic forever (I don't even have to tell you reason #1, right?): no one bounces off Topher better than him. Augh, those last few episodes just weren't the saaame.


love_besos August 24 2009, 14:03:27 UTC
Haha I miss Dominic so much he was such fun! I mean the stoicism=WIN and even deluded high! Dominic is so so awesome. Plus naturally, his intertwining pretty with Adelle. *sigh*


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