Dollhouse Fic: "Fives Times He Realized" (Dominic, R)

Aug 23, 2009 21:26

Title: Five Times He Realized
Characters/Pairings: Dominic, Topher, Claire, Madeline, Echo, DeWitt, Victor, Sierra, mention of Ballard; Dominic/DeWitt, Victor/Sierra and mention of Madeline/Ballard
Rating: R for sex, language, various innuendos
Length: 3,130 words
Spoilers: first season
Notes: part of Waking 'verse
Summary: Five times Laurence ( Read more... )

dollhouse, fanfic

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demonqueen666 August 24 2009, 03:32:22 UTC
DeWitt/Dom sexytimes and subsequent thoughts of unwavering intense devotion (which, duh, I love)

Dude, you know any fic with Dom realizing he's "in over his head" has to involve his relationship with Adelle at some point. I mean, DUH. It's what that phrase was made for. XD


I had to make it part of my fic-canon eventually!! I just had to!! (I use my Topher-Dom icon because I LOVE THEM THAT MUCH.) Seriously though, I'm all squeeful that it makes you happy. You know it.

my very very favourite part, I think, was Dominic's little conversation with Echo, that was just so striking. Oh, Laurence my boy, you are in deep indeed!

How far we've come, eh? I enjoyed that part myself, and I'm pleased to hear that you liked it and it eveidentally accomplished what I set out for it to do.

(...Alright, fine, I'm going panhandling for concrit now. But I am quite frankly shocked, just SHOCKED, that you didn't have even anything to say about section three! And I was all anxious for how you'd react to that one, too.)


dollsome August 24 2009, 03:35:17 UTC
I thought section three was nice! I kind of had a little "OH NO, ARE WE SUDDENLY HEADING INTO SCARY ADULTERY LAND, AAAAH!" when Dominic was seeing Madeline in a new lovely-lady light, which ... probably says a lot about how most stories have conditioned me to think! But considering it did not lead to, ya know, a mad love affair, I liked that it was just this quiet little moment of attraction.


demonqueen666 August 24 2009, 03:54:48 UTC
"OH NO, ARE WE SUDDENLY HEADING INTO SCARY ADULTERY LAND, AAAAH!" when Dominic was seeing Madeline in a new lovely-lady light

LOLZ! Ha, well, I'll admit, that was sort of how I was afraid it would read to some people...or more accurately, I was kinda worried I'd get rabid reactions of "WHAT'S THIS HE'S EVEN **LOOKING** AT ANOTHER WOMAN BESIDES ADELLE BLASPHEMY PAIRINGS SHOULD ONLY HAVE FEELINGS FOR ONLY EACH OTHER EVAAARR". Which is...not how real people work, so.

...I had a point to this, I swear. I don't know if I can articulate it, though -_-;;


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