Lost Fic: "Gray Skies Gonna Clear Up" (Shannon, Boone, PG)

Jul 08, 2009 13:22

Title: Gray Skies Gonna Clear Up
Characters: Shannon, Boone, mention of Vincent
Rating: PG
Length: 440 words
Notes: For Queen siluria, who wanted bad weather and some old-school Lost
Summary: Gray skies gonna clear up, put on a happy face...

Shannon sits under the plastic tarp with her legs slightly bent at the knee and her arms folded beneath them. A few loose strands of hair blow in her face.

Absently she wriggles her sandal-clad toes in the sand. The only sounds are the wind howling, the pounding of the rain, and the stupid dog that hasn’t even once stopped barking.

She’s painted her toenails three times now, in three different colors, layering one polish on top of another. The ending result is a pretty ugly shade of mauve.

She’s read her one and only fashion magazine cover to cover. She’s reorganized her stuff. She even tried doing a crossword puzzle, but got fed up when all the answers were stupid trivia they can’t possibly expect anyone to know off the top of their heads.

“God, I’m so bored,” she complains.

Boone looks up from the other side of under their tarp, trying with total and unsurprising lack of success to make a fire out of damp wood and non-waterproof matches.

“Give it a rest, Shannon,” he says. “What do you expect me to do about it?”

She sneers at him. “I don’t know, Boone,” she snaps. “You’re the one who’s trying to be a boy scout. Can’t you think of something?”

He turns away again, rolling his eyes.

“You’re safe and dry, instead of caught out there on the beach in this storm. What else do you want?”

She doesn’t have an answer to that so she puts her back to him, infuriated.

The first couple of times a storm like this happened on the island, it was terrifying. The sky would darken without warning, the rain coming down in fierce unstoppable torrents. The ground would seem to shake with the boom of far-off thunder. The wind would rage and shriek; blowing away anything that wasn’t tied down.

But after getting used to it, it’s not scary anymore. Now it’s just annoying.

The wind buffets her hair. Shannon grabs onto it, fiercely tucking it again behind her ear.

When she was little, rainy days were the worst. She couldn’t go outside and play. She couldn’t go visit her friends. She couldn’t do anything, it seemed.

She’d be stuck inside, with her brother, and her dumb old books, and the same toys and games that grew old after only half an hour.

She’d kneel on the couch with her nose pressed to the glass, thinking of all the things she could be doing, if only it wasn’t raining.

“Boone, I’m bored,” she’d whine. “Do something!”

Back in the present, Shannon scowls, hugging around her knees tighter.

Some things never change.

lost, luau 2009, fanfic

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